Unitarian Universalism-Part 4
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 Unitarian Universalism [UU] is primarily a humanist faith, with 46 % considering themselves humanists, and less than 30 % considering themselves theists generally, Christian or mystics. What does that mean for UU theology? Contents 1 Critique 1.1 The Fallacy of Humanism 2 Notes Critique The Fallacy of Humanism…

Unitarian Universalism-Part 3
By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 Continuing the discussion of Unitarian Universalist theology, the authors examine teachings about Jesus Christ, Sin, Salvation, the Atonement, Man, the Afterlife, and the Occult. Contents 1 Introduction and History 1.1 Theology – Part 2 2 Notes Introduction and History Theology – Part 2 Jesus Christ Unitarian…

Mormonism’s Prophetic Record
By: Dr. John Ankerberg / Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 Are there demonstrable false prophecies within Mormon scripture and literature? The legitimacy and validity of the entire Mormon church rested squarely upon its declaration that Joseph Smith was a genuine prophet of God. If he was not, then the Mormon church has been guilty of promoting…

False Prophecy in the Watchtower Society
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©September 2005 If the Watchtower Society is the sole channel for God on earth, then according to the Bible its prophecy must come true. How reliable have its prophecies been? If the Watchtower Society is the sole channel for God on earth, then according to the Bible its…