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Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 2
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 One of the greatest challenges in life is for believers to understand not only what is theirs in Christ, but how to appropriate what you have. Previous Article Joshua 1:6-9 Contents 1 Be Strong and Take Courage 2 Be encouraged by God’s promises 3 Examine God’s word 4 God’s presence…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 3
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 How are you doing in your walk today? Who is it that has caused you to think twice about what God has for you in Christ being the best, because you sure see something good over here and it’s pulled your eyes off of that. Are your eyes on Christ…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 4
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 The people are preparing to cross the Jordan River and possess the land that God has given to them. But the Jordan River that stood between them and the Promised Land was at flood stage. This is not the time to cross the Jordan, but God chose this time because…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 5
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Last week we saw our God who goes before us, but today we want to understand our God is always with us. Isn’t it great that He’s omnipresent? He lives within us and yet He goes before us. He’s always present with us. Previous Article Contents 1 Our God Who…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 6
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 When we receive Jesus into our hearts, and when we begin to turn to walk with Him, we’re entering the unknown. And we walk by faith and not by sight. We don’t have to see the boats, we just trust the One that’s in charge. Anything over our head is…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 7
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 I don’t know about you, but the hardest lessons I’m having to learn are the ones I thought I already knew. You see, it’s interesting, God can do great things in our life, and then we turn right around and act as if He doesn’t even exist. Previous Article Contents…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 8
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 I want you to make sure that you understand that in the Christian life, only when you’re walking yielded to Christ does the battle begin. There’s no battle in the wilderness. Wilderness is when the flesh is ruling our life: there’s no battle. We’re defeated and walking around confused and…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 9
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Now listen, we don’t work toward victory. Many people think that. We’re going to win victory, shoot, and the buzzer goes off and the ball goes through the hoop and they say, “You win!” That has nothing to do with Christianity. Jesus is our victory. When it’s no longer Wayne,…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 10
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 I want to do is to summarize some of the things we’ve been talking about in the book of Joshua. I’m going to call it the Recipe for Trusting God. I’m going to take the six chapters that we’ve looked at and I’m going to put them together a little…

Joshua-Wayne Barber/Part 11
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 When we choose to live after the flesh, and all of us do from time to time, when we choose to do that, we are just really putting ourselves back into bondage and we become prisoners of our own choices and that choice is basically, “Lord, I want to please…