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Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 38
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 We can sow seed into the field of the flesh or we can sow seed into the field of the Spirit; and understanding that when you sow, it’s always with the realization you want to reap something back. Audio Version Previous Article Keep Sowing Good Seed Galatians 6, we’re going…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 37
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 The Lord Jesus has titles or names; over 593 of them in the New Testament alone. One of the most profound titles of the Lord Jesus is “the gift of God.” Audio Version Previous Article You Reap What You Sow Turn with me to Galatians 6. You know, names are…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 36
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Today we look to see more of what God’s love looks like when it’s manifest in the family of God. When individuals begin to choose to walk by the Spirit, willingly led by the Word and by the Spirit of God, what does this look like in the body of…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 35
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 How do you deal with a brother who has fallen into the trap of sin, whether it be religious sin, whether it be religion, or rebellious sin? It doesn’t matter. How do you deal with a brother? How does the Holy Spirit of God look like in you towards others…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 34
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 God’s much more concerned about relationships than He is anything else. Everything else, in fact, is just a test to see how we’re going to relate to one another on the divine level He enables in our life. Audio Version Previous Article The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 3…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 33
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Now, do you know this morning that you can fake all the gifts? Do you know that? Any of them, you can fake it, but you cannot fake the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in a person’s life. You cannot fake the fruit. Audio Version Previous Article The Fruit…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 32
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Okay, let’s begin. Let’s dig into this and just see what God has to say to us to encourage our hearts. First of all, the essence of this fruit is love. Audio Version Previous Article The Fruit of the Spirit – Part 1 Galatians 5. I am so glad that…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 31
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 The sensual deception of the flesh. What is it that makes me feel good and it so deceives us we get off the path? Audio Version Previous Article The Sensual Deception of the Flesh Galatians 5, and I am so excited, because we’re finally going to get out of verse…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 30
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 You can’t have religious flesh which has some type of humanistic good in it. God doesn’t recognize it, but the world seems to. But you can’t have that part of it without having the other side of it. Audio Version Previous Article The Social Deception of the Flesh – Part…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 29
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Not only is there sexual deception of the flesh, superstitious deception of the flesh, but another part of that package that we buy into when we go that religious route is the social deception of the flesh. Flesh causes all of our relationships to become fake and counterfeit. Audio Version…