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Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 28
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Not only does the flesh lead us into sexual deception, which is this crazy idea that grace means you can do whatever you want to do—living grace is never that—but it also leads us into a superstitious deception. I want to make sure you understand something. In the two choices…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 27
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Well, in our text today we’re going to start seeing the baggage that goes with religious flesh. When you choose to do things your way, when I choose to do things my way; this is for all of us. The rest of this stuff somehow is going to start surfacing…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 26
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 What is the priority of our walk with Christ? He says in verse 16, “But I say, walk by the Spirit,” notice the words, “and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Walk by the Spirit. The way in which we experience the freedom that God has…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 25
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Freedom is never the right to do as you please, and you’re going to see that today. He’ll address that. But freedom is the power to do as you should. When I allow Jesus and His Word to control my life, then it’s no longer me, it’s Jesus living in…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 24
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Well, we jump into verse 7 today, and in verse 7 he starts talking about how easy it is to be deceived. Audio Version Previous Article Don’t Be Deceived Galatians 5, we’re going to start today in verse 7. But let me just catch you up a little bit with…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 23
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Galatians chapter 5, we’re going to be talking about freedom, born to be free. As believers we’re all born of the Holy Spirit of God to be free. Audio Version Previous Article Born to Be Free We’re finally in chapter 5 of Galatians. Do you believe that? Some of you…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 22
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 He’s going to take them back into history and dig up some bones. He’s going to try to get his point across in a different way. Paul has clearly tried to help the Galatians understand that they are already sons of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 21
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 This is what the heart of every teacher should be, and by teacher I don’t mean ecclesiastically, from the pulpit, necessarily. The word “teach” in scripture simply means to communicate what God has taught you of His grace to somebody else. That’s all it is. It’s a communication. It’s a…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 20
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Paul is the spiritual father to these spiritual children there in Galatia. He’s the one who took the message to them and he feels a responsibility to them. He has watched them turn and go the wrong way. He has corrected them. He has done everything else, and now he…

Studies in Galatians – Wayne Barber/Part 19
By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2004 Christianity and the Christian life—and I hope we understand this from the text that we have been studying—is all about Christ. It’s all about Christ. It’s about me learning to say yes to Him, and you, all of us, and letting Jesus be Jesus in us, letting Him be the…