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Paul the Apostle – Wayne Barber/Part 3

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 We’ve seen Paul the man. Last time we saw Paul the Missionary – Part 1. This time we’re going to look at Paul the Missionary – Part 2. Next time we’ll look at Paul the Missionary – Part 3. We will finish that at some point, but there’s just so…

Paul the Apostle – Wayne Barber/Part 2

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 So we saw who he was: From a significant place, educated by a special person and known as a successful Pharisee. Secondly we saw what he was. What was he? “Paul, and apostle of Christ Jesus.” That word “apostle” tells us three things. Previous Article Ephesians 1:1 Paul: The Missionary…

Paul the Apostle – Wayne Barber/Part 1

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God.” It tells us who he is, tells us what he is, and it tells us why he is what he is. Did you get all that? Who he is, what he is, and why he is what he is.…


What You Need to Know When Jehovah’s Witnesses Come Knocking at Your Door

By: Joan Cetnar, Bill Cetnar; ©1991 What does the Bible say about Jehovah? When Jehovah’s Witnesses use the name Jehovah, do they mean the same thing? What about Jesus? What are JWs taught about blood transfusions? What You Need to Know When Jehovah’s Witnesses Come Knocking at Your Door – Who Is Jehovah? Introduction Dr.…

Dr. Gleason Archer Lectures on Answers to Assumed Errors in the Old Testament

By: Dr. Gleason Archer; ©1991 When it comes to alleged errors in the Old Testament, Dr. Archer claims that many are based on ignorance of the biblical languages, failing to take into account the context, or faulty interpretation. Answers to Assumed Errors in the Old Testament Error or Ignorance? Dr. John Ankerberg: The information in…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? – Program 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. Norman Geisler, Rabbi Harold Kushner; ©1985 Is God limited? Is he loving – but not all-powerful? Are there some things he simply can’t do anything about? Contents Program 1: Why Do BAD THINGS Happen to GOOD PEOPLE? Is there A God? What Kind of God is He? John Ankerberg: Good…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 3

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Are there some stories in the Bible – like Adam, like Jonah and the great fish, like that resurrection of Jesus – that are not intended to be taken as literal? Contents Contents 1 Are There Things in the Bible We Can’t Believe? Are There Things in the Bible We Can’t…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 4

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Evangelicals have different ideas of how certain parts of the Bible should be interpreted. Is it possible for all to reach a consensus on how the Bible should be interpreted? Are there some things we can disagree on but still maintain unity? Contents Contents 1 Can Evangelicals Unite in Their View…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 2

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Can we accept the Bible as our authority when it comes to matters of salvation and faith, but allow that it contains errors in other matters? Contents Contents 1 Can the Bible be Authoritative, but Contain Errors? Can the Bible be Authoritative, but Contain Errors? Guests (information was valid at the…

Evangelicals Debate Biblical Inerrancy/Program 1

By: Lee Strobel; ©1982 Are there some parts of the Bible that do contain errors, especially when it comes to scientific matters? Does God communicate differently to individual authors of the Bible? Contents Contents 1 How Should We Define “Error” When Speaking About the Bible? How Should We Define “Error” When Speaking About the Bible?…