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What Does the Bible Reveal About the Trinity? – Part 7

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2007 Was the deity of Jesus Christ invented by the Christian church in the fourth century, as some critics maintain? The authors offer numerous quotations to show the early church clearly taught that Jesus Christ was God long before the fourth century. Was the deity of Jesus Christ…

What Does the Bible Reveal About the Trinity? – Part 6

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2007 The Trinity and Early Church History: Have the historic creeds of the Christian church always accepted the doctrine of the Trinity? The Trinity and Early Church History: Have the historic creeds of the Christian church always accepted the doctrine of the Trinity? For 2,000 years the historic…

What Does the Bible Reveal About the Trinity? – Part 5

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2007 Do early Church doctrine and the Bible together declare the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit? Religious groups who deny the Trinity characteristically deny not only the person and work of Jesus Christ, but also the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. Do early Church…

What Does the Bible Reveal About the Trinity? – Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2007 How do we know that the doctrine of the Trinity is biblical? The authors say the fact that the Trinity is a biblical doctrine can be seen from five simple statements supported by the Bible. Is the Trinity taught in the Bible? How do we know that…

Is “The Secret” Compatible with Biblical Christianity?

By: ATRI Staff Correspondent; ©2007 You can hardly miss the buzz. Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Larry King, Montel Williams have all had programs focused on The Secret in recent weeks. What is the Secret, and why should Christians beware of it? Contents 1 The Secret 2 The Science of Getting Rich 3 New Thought 4 Who…

What Does the Bible Reveal About the Trinity? – Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2007 Hypostasis? Personation? Tritheism? Sabellianism? God has revealed that He is three persons or centers of consciousness within one Godhead. Because the concept cannot be fully comprehended does not mean the doctrine cannot be accurately described or defined; however, precision here requires some technicality. The authors help you…

What Does the Bible Reveal About the Trinity? – Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2007 The biblical doctrine of the Trinity is vital to understand because it concerns who God is, that is, a proper realization of the nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To understand the Trinity is to understand God as He has revealed Himself to be.…

Prophets in Mormonism/Part 6

By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2007 On July 12, 1843 Mormonism’s founder, Joseph Smith, recorded a revelation about plural marriage that wasn’t published in the Doctrine and Covenants until 1852. But Joseph Smith had been practicing polygamy since around 1831. Who did Mormons resolve that conflict? On July 12, 1843 Mormonism’s founder, Joseph Smith, recorded a…

In the Fulness of Time/Part 54

By: Dr. Thomas O. Figart; ©2007 Dr. Figart reveals that Jesus’ plea for laborers for the harvest is an example of Christ’s compassion toward the lost. Previous Article Contents 1 Christ’s Authority Over His Twelve Apostles Matthew 9:35-10:42 1.1 His Compassion and Call. 9:35-38 1.1.1 His Compassion on the Multitudes. 9:35-36 1.1.2 His Call for…

Romans – Wayne Barber/Part 70

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2007 In the passage under study, Paul points out the individuality of living out of our own conviction, and the responsibility every individual believer has with God. Previous Article Romans 15:14-16 Our Responsibilities Under Grace, Part 18 We’re finally entering into the epilogue of the book. “What does that mean?” you…