Are the Heathen Lost?-Part 2
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 What about those who have never heard the Gospel, or those very religious pagans who have sincerely worshipped their own gods all of their life? Will God consign them to hell? In this article we explore to more biblical teachings concerning the fate of those who have not heard the Gospel.…

Victory Over Sinful Habits
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2006 The recent arrest of John Mark Karr in connection with the death of JonBenet Ramsey has brought the issue of sexual perversion and addiction to the forefront of news reports. In connection with that story, we want to address the question of whether or not you, as a Christian, can…

If I Were a Church Member
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 How should we regard our privilege and shape our responsibilities as members of Christ’s church? Contents 1 If I Were a Church Member 1.1 Introduction: “If I were a minister” 1.2 Explanation 1.3 I. Praise God for the Privilege of Membership 1.4 II. Engender a Spirit of Love/Harmony in the…

Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 1
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 Garner Ted Armstrong put it this way: “Does it make sense to you that a little Chinese girl, age 3 ½, sweet little innocent baby, is going to be dancing from brick to brick, beating at flames for all eternity because a missionary had a flat tire?” The issue, of course,…

Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 3
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 What role does politics play in the interpretation of archaeological data? The authors illustrate the problems, as seen in the finds at Ebla. Contents 1 Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 3 1.1 Ebla and Politics 2 Notes Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 3 Ebla and Politics Now even cities…

A God-Centered Motivation for Reformed Evangelism
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 Nothing less than being motivated by the power of the Holy Spirit is adequate for sharing the Gospel! It is better not to share the Gospel than to share it “in the flesh” – in our own strength. Why? Because if the Holy Spirit is not working, evangelism is not…

The Blessing of Experiencing the Biblical Assurance of Salvation
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 Dr. Riser explains that it is possible to have genuine assurance of salvation. He explains what the Bible teaches on this important topic. Contents 1 The Blessing of Experiencing the Biblical Assurance of Salvation 1.1 How can we have this assurance? 1.2 What effect does one’s religious background have on…

Learning the Secret of Being Content
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 Paul learned a very valuable lesson: to be content in every situation. One of the best ways to enjoy life now is to cultivate the grace of contentment. Contents 1 Learning the Secret of Being Content 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Do you know why it’s so hard to learn to be…

Enthusiasm Energizes Everyone
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 Dr. Riser examines three important questions about enthusiasm: 1) What is enthusiasm? 2) Why is it important? And 3) How can we obtain it? Contents 1 Enthusiasm Energizes Everyone! 1.1 Introduction 1.2 I. What is Enthusiasm? 1.3 II. Why is Enthusiasm Important? 1.4 III. How Can We Become More Enthusiastic?…

Is the Popular Hindu Dangerous to Your Health?
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 If book sales of texts on Hindu medicine are any indication, millions of Americans are turning to yet another ancient pagan form of medical treatment. “Ayurvedic medicine,” a method of diagnosis and treatment based upon a Hindu approach, has proven attractive to many New Age therapists, but…