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The Importance of Inerrancy-Part 4

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 The authors explain the weakness of the alternate position held by many: limited inerrancy. They say limited inerrancy is simply meaningless, biblically and practically. In fact, no Scripture ever gives us the right to view any Scripture as less than fully inspired and inerrant. The Weakness of…

What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity/Part 7

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Bill Gillham; ©2005 Do you come to God just for the good things you can get out of Him, or because you really love Him? Why is it crucial for Christians to have complete faith in God to guide their lives? Previous Article What God Wishes Christians Knew About…

Crash Goes the Da Vinci Code/Part 9

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2005 Such a position is absurd, and can be easily answered with two primary points: (1) The Bible steadfastly argues for monotheism (belief in one God); and (2) the “Shekinah” refers only to the glory of God, not to some “powerful female equal.” by Dr. Ron Rhodes, Reasoning from the Scriptures…

What Is the Nature of God?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg / Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 God is not some unknowable, impersonal divine essence, such that our own personalities ultimately become an illusion. Nor does “He” or “It” or “She” manifest through our alleged “higher consciousness” so that God and our true self are one. In this article, the authors explore the…

What Does Religious Science Teach About Jesus?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg / Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 According to Religious Science, Jesus Christ was a highly evolved individual who used Science of Mind principles to an expert degree. Science of Mind, like many Eastern religions, does not deny the deity of Jesus per se, only his unique deity. That is, Jesus is as…

What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity/Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Bill Gillham; ©2005 What is the “mother of all sins” that Christians are guilty of? How should we deal with this sin?. Previous Article What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity—Part 3 Dr. John Ankerberg: Do you remember the day you placed your total trust in Jesus Christ to…

The New Age Movement, the Devil and Modern Culture

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 Many so-called “new age” religions are based squarely on messages from spirits. How has this impacted modern culture? In America, New Age influence continues unabated. According to popular New Age leader Marilyn Ferguson in the February 16, 1992 Los Angeles Times, sociologists at UC Santa Bar­bara estimated…

Is it True that Everything We Have Been Taught About Jesus is False

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 Our research has shown just the opposite. If you are going to trust ANY infor­mation from the first few centuries A.D., then you must also accept the Bible. Let us explain why… Contents 1 Is it True that Everything We Have Been Taught About Jesus is…

An Interview with Norman Geisler on the Problem of Evil

By: Staff; ©2005 Dr. Norman Geisler answers questions on the Problem of Evil. The Problem of Evil If there is a God, and if He is good, how could He have created evil? Dr. Norman Geisler: Well, I think that was answered in 400 by St. Augustine when he struggled with the same problem. “If…

Crash Goes the Da Vinci Code/Part 3

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2005 A common apologetic against Christianity is the idea that it borrowed from Greek pagan religions. The virgin birth is often cited as an example. The reality, if you look at Greek mythology and paganism, is that their male gods would come down and have sex with human women and give…