Recent Articles

Homeopathy – Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 The authors continue looking at serious flaws in homeopathic theory and practice—ones that could put the patient at risk for his life and or health.. Contents 1 Irrelevant Additions to Diagnosis 2 Experience Determines Truth 3 Susceptibility to Magical Thinking 4 Rejection of Physical Medicine and…

Homeopathy – Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 We begin by looking at some of the basic errors of homeopathy. This time the authors focus on 3 flaws in the “discovery” of this holistic medical treatment: misinterpretation of data; lack of independent verification; and lack of sufficient controls.   Contents 1 The Basic Errors…

Homeopathy – Part 7

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Homeopathy, is antagonist toward science. The authors contend that, by their very natures, homeopathy, especially classical homeopathy, and scientific medicine must remain antagonists because their view of the cause of disease and the cure for disease are so radically different and opposite from one another. Contents…


Sharing the Gospel: What If It Were You

By: Staff Writer; ©2004 Have you ever realized how difficult it might be for some people to accept the Gospel message? What are they risking? What can you tell them that will make it “worth the risk”? Sharing the Gospel: What If It Were You? Question: Have you ever realized how difficult it might be…

Recruiters Among Us?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg with Roger Montgomery; ©2004 Roger Montgomery gives examples to explain that, even in your church, homosexuals may be looking for children to molest. What Your Church Needs to Know About Homosexuality (See Roger Montgomery’s testimony, “Dying of Aids,” elsewhere on this site.) Dr. John Ankerberg: In your counseling, Roger, you’re finding…

A Testimony of the Life-Changing Hope found in Jesus!

A former male prostitute shares his life changing journey of faith in Jesus By: (Dr. John Ankerberg with Roger Montgomery; ©2004 Roger was molested by a neighbor at age 6 or 7. That experience eventually led him into a life as a homosexual prostitute, with 1,000-1,500 sexual partners by the time he was in his…

Can Christ Change a Person?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg with Roger Montgomery; ©2004 Roger Montgomery explains how Christ freed him from living homosexually, and turned his mind to heterosexuality. One Man’s Journey From Homosexuality to Christ Dr. John Ankerberg: Do you believe that Jesus Christ can change any person to what He is talking about in Scripture? What if you’re…

Globalism – A New Faith?

By: Carl Teichrib; ©2004 Carl Teichrib interrupts his series to bring you portions of a speech given at the Solid Ground Seminar, February, 2005. As our society embraces new global norms such as world law, collective security, and international economic structures, Biblical Christianity finds itself confronted with the religious and philosophical foundations of this developing…

What Should You Do If You Don’t “Feel” Saved

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2004 Do you have to “feel” saved to be saved? What is it that really saves us? What is faith, and is the object of that faith important? These are just a few of the questions Dr. Ankerberg helps us answer in this month’s article. What Should You Do If You…

Preparing for Death

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2004 Are you facing your own death? Has someone you know recently died? How can you respond to these situations as a Christian? Does the Bible give any guidelines? Does God give any comfort? Dr. Ankerberg explains. Preparing for Death Dr. Erwin Lutzer(Transcribed from a television program.…