Recent Articles

The Pyramid – The Connection Between Christian Thinking and Living

By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2004 All that we are and have has been bestowed upon us by a gracious God, and nothing less than an effective strategy for Christlike living is an adequate response to such grace. Dr. Riser presents a “pyramid” strategy for living godly lives with God’s character as our base. The Pyramid:…

The 2004 Party Platforms

By: ATRI Research Staff; ©2004 In this article, we will take a look at four issues in the 2004 Democratic and Republican Party Platforms that are of particular interest to Christian voters: Israel and the formation of a Palestinian State; abortion; stem cell research; and the legalization of same-sex marriage. Contents 1 The 2004 Party…

Poltergeists – An Evaluation of a Demonic Phenomenon – Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Researchers have connected the poltergeist to mediumism, witchcraft, spiritism and other forms of the occult throughout history, right up to the present. Of scores of incidents recorded or investigated by the late Dr. Kurt Koch, a leading Christian authority on the occult, in every case “occult practices…

Poltergeists – An Evaluation of a Demonic Phenomenon – Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Halloween is over, but the interest in poltergeists and other supernatural phenomena lingers. How should we understand poltergeist experiences?   Contents 1 Poltergeists—An Evaluation of a Demonic Phenomenon, Part 1 2 Various Theories 3 Intelligent Independent Nature 4 Poltergeist Phenomena 5 Notes Poltergeists—An Evaluation of a Demonic…

Pantheism – Part 2

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2004 Pantheism has had a broad and persistent influence in the world. Dr. Geisler talks about some of the positive and negative results of that influence. Contents 1 Pantheism—Part 2: An Evaluation 2 Positive Insights in Pantheistic Positions 3 Some Criticisms of Pantheism as a World View 4 Summary and Conclusion…

Pantheism – Part 1

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2004 Pantheism is the basic “theology” upon which Buddhism is based. Dr. Geisler presents a scholarly exposition of the pantheism in this lengthy two-part article. Contents 1 Pantheism—Part 1: An Exposition 2 An Exposition of Pantheism 2.1 Parmenidean Monism 2.2 Plotinian Emanational Pantheism 2.3 Spinoza’s Modal Pantheism 2.4 Radhakrishnan’s Neo-Hindu Pantheism…

Life After Death – Part 8

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 What is the biblical view of death? What is the biblical view of the afterlife—that is, life after death? Contents 1 Life After Death – Part 8 2 What is the biblical view of death? 3 What is the biblical view of the afterlife? 4 Conclusion 5…

Life After Death – Part 7

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 What is the cultic view of death? We use the term “cultic” descriptively rather than pejoratively here to refer to those groups that claim a large degree of allegiance to the Bible and yet simultaneously deny its basic teachings. Is there considerable overlap between the cults’ teachings…

Life After Death – Part 6

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 What are some additional implications of the Near-Death Experiences? What about children who have Near-Death Experiences?   Contents 1 Life After Death—Part 6 2 What are some additional implications of the Near-Death Experiences? 3 What about children who have Near-Death Experiences? 4 Notes Life After Death—Part 6…

Life After Death – Part 5

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 What about reincarnation experiences and the Near-Death Experience? What is the NDE view of God? Are all NDEs positive experiences—or are many hellish? Contents 1 Life After Death—Part 5 2 What about reincarnation experiences and the Near-Death Experience? 3 What is the NDE view of God? 4…