Recent Articles

Stem Cells: A Response to Ron Reagan-Part 1

By: ATRI Research Staff; ©2004 We are hearing a lot of misleading statements in the press today regarding the source of embryonic stem cells. Chief among them is that “no fetuses are created, none destroyed” during the process. Why is this statement, made by Ron Reagan at the Democratic National Convention wrong? Contents 1 When…

Is the Pope Infallible in Matters of Doctrine and Morals?-Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 The way in which the doctrine of papal infallibility was formulated creates serious problems for this issue—as does the track record of popes down through history. Unfortunately, the story behind papal infallibility is less well known than the doctrine itself. Writing in The Trinity Review for July,…

Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence-Part 4

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 The authors quote from a number of noted scholars who have concluded the inerrancy of Scripture. Contents Contents 1 The Strength of Inerrancy from the Historic and Prophetic Accuracy of the Biblical Text 2 Notes The Strength of Inerrancy from the Historic and Prophetic Accuracy of the…

Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence-Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 Did Jesus ever express any doubts about the inerrancy of Scripture at any time or in any way? Why are the “jot” and the “tittle” such compelling evidence for inerrancy? Contents Contents 1 Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence—Part 3 2 Confirmation in Church History 3 Notes Biblical Inerrancy:…

Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence-Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 What does the Bible itself teach about its inerrancy? In this article you will read that the Old Testament teaches inerrancy; the New Testament teaches inerrancy; and Jesus Himself vouched for the inerrancy of the Bible! Contents Contents 1 The Strength of Inerrancy from the Revelation of…

Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence-Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2004 What does the nature of God tell us about what we should expect from any book that purports to be His word? Contents Contents 1 Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence—Part 1 2 The Strength of Inerrancy From the Nature of God 3 Notes Biblical Inerrancy: The Evidence—Part 1…

Mormon Scripture – The Articles of Faith/Part 36

By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2004 This final installment on the Articles of Faith deals with LDS teachings about plural marriage. Previous Article The 13th LDS Article of Faith says: “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of…

Mormon Scripture – The Articles of Faith/Part 35

By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2004 According to Apostle James Talmadge, the 13th Article of Faith includes the requirement of tithing and the law of consecration. How closely do Mormons follow these two requirements? Previous Article This is our fifth installment on the 13th LDS Article of Faith. It says: “We believe in being honest, true,…

Mormon Scripture – The Articles of Faith/Part 34

By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2004 How benevolent is the Mormon Church? The 13th Article of Faith calls the faithful to help the poor, but LDS Apostle James Talmadge seemed uncertain if there were any “poor” Mormons, and in another writing clarifies that help should be extended to those who are not only members, but also…

Mormon Scripture – The Articles of Faith/Part 33

By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2004 How well do Mormon leaders exemplify the traits mentioned in the 13th Article of Faith? This month, Marvin Cowan shows how well Joseph Smith demonstrated being “chaste, benevolent and virtuous”. Previous Article The Thirteenth LDS Article of Faith declares, “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in…