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Is the Sabbath for Today/Part 6

By: Dr. Robert A. Morey; ©2003 Dr. Morey answers the arguments of sabbatarians from Hebrews 4:9 (Sabbath rest), and the “remember” argument from Exodus 20:8. Do either of these verses demand Sabbath keeping? Contents 1 Part II—An Examination Of The Sabbatarian Arguments (con’t) 1.1 The Hebrews 4:9 Argument 1.2 The Sabbatarian Position— 1.3 Examination Of…

Is the Sabbath for Today/Part 5

By: Dr. Robert A. Morey; ©2003 What about those who argue that the “Sabbath was made for man”? Was the Sabbath established as a moral law for all men? Was it established as a moral law only for the nation of Israel? Dr. Morey examines this argument. Contents 1 Part II—An Examination Of The Sabbatarian…

Is the Sabbath for Today/Part 4

By: Dr. Robert A. Morey; ©2003 Sabbatarians reason that since the command to keep the Sabbath is found in the Ten Commandments, it must be a moral law. Dr. Robert Morey responds to this argument. Part II—An Examination Of The Sabbatarian Arguments (con’t) The “Moral Law” Argument” continued “But,” the Sabbatarian replies, “regardless of all…

Is the Sabbath for Today/Part 3

By: Dr. Robert A. Morey; ©2003 Sabbatarians argue that Sabbath-keeping is part of God’s moral law, and thus is binding on all men. What is the difference between a moral law and a ceremonial law? Which one does the Sabbath-command most closely resemble? What difference does that make? Dr. Morey explains. Part II—An Examination Of…

Is the Sabbath for Today/Part 2

By: Dr. Robert A. Morey; ©2003 One of the arguments used by Sabbatarians is that God instituted Sabbath keeping as a “creation ordinance.” What is a creation ordinance, and does Sabbath keeping fit? Dr. Morey explains. Part II—An Examination Of The Sabbatarian Arguments The “The Creation Ordinance” Argument The Sabbatarian Position—God instituted Sabbath-keeping as a…

Is the Sabbath for Today/Part 1

By: Dr. Robert A. Morey; ©2003 Are Christians today obligated by the Ten Commandments to observe the Sabbath? We asked Dr. Robert Morey of Truth Seekers Ministry to give us his perspective. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Part I—The Sabbatarian Position Outlined 2.1 Sabbatarianism Stated 2.2 The Sabbatarian Arguments Set Forth Introduction The doctrine of sabbatarianism…

The Bible-The Most Unique Book in the World-Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2002 We are looking at characteristics that reveal the nature of the Bible. This time, ways in which the Bible is unique, how to interpret the Bible, and what Jesus thought of the Bible. This is part three in our look at seven points necessary for understanding what…

The Bible-The Most Unique Book in the World-Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2002 This month: What does the Bible say about itself? What did Jesus say about the Bible? What did the Apostles say about the Bible? What does God’s character say about the Bible?   Contents 1 3. Scriptural Declarations Concerning the Bible’s Own Authority 1.1 The Old Testament…

The Bible-The Most Unique Book in the World-Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2002 The Bible is not the product of human invention, nor does it contain a mixture of truth and error. It does not require “enlightenment” to understand it properly. Nor is the Bible an incomplete revelation of God. All those are things the Bible is not. Over the…

There is Only One True God

The Bible does not teach any form of tritheism or polytheism, as in the Mormon faith, but that there is only one true God from all eternity. As Jesus taught: “Now this is eter­nal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). The following…