Recent Articles

Did Mary Have Other Children

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2002 Was Jesus mother, Mary, a “perpetual virgin,” as the Roman Catholic Church states, or did she have other children after Jesus was born, as the Scriptures indicate? Rev. Harris looks into this question. Did Mary Have Other Children? Question: I have a close friend who, after being a Protestant all…

Ecology, Shamanism, Science, and Christianity – Part 5

By: Dave Hunt; ©2002 There have been a number of attempts to heal our planet through enlisting millions of persons around the world to visualize peace and meditate upon ecological wholeness. Has the world gotten any better? Dave Hunt explains. Deepak Chopra exemplifies naturalism’s failure to distinguish matter from mind and spirit, mass from morals.…

Will We Know One Another in Heaven?

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2002 A reader wrote in to ask if there were any scriptures that tell us whether we will know one another in heaven. Rev. Sam Harris tackles that question this month. Will We Know One Another in Heaven? Question: Besides the narrative of Lazarus and the Rich King, are there any…

Ecology, Shamanism, Science, and Christianity – Part 4

By: Dave Hunt; ©2002 Dave Hunt suggests that honest logic discredits the environmental movement and the evolutionary theory behind it. One cannot believe both in evolution and ecological preservation of species or habitats. Contents 1 Irrationality of Environmental Causes 2 A Plea for Some Rational Thinking! 3 Notes Irrationality of Environmental Causes The human conscience…

Disciples and Apostles

Question: What is the difference between a “disciple” and an “apostle?” Answer I will define the terms, and then we will take an in-depth look at how they are used in Scripture. Disciple: Greek—mathetes, a learner or pupil. In the New Testament, it is one who accepts the instruction given to him and makes it…

The Sign of Jonah

By: Staff; ©2002 Jesus said that, just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish, so He would be in the grave for three days and three nights. Now, if Jesus was crucified on Friday and rose on Sunday, where do you get three days and three nights? Is that a lie, a…

Ecology, Shamanism, Science, and Christianity – Part 2

By: Dave Hunt; ©2002 Dave Hunt explains that many Christians are joining what is essentially an anti-Christian ecological movement. Even Christian media sources do not seem concerned about the pagan basis for some of the ideas and goals.   Contents 1 Christians Come Aboard 2 Redefining Christianity Through Ecology 3 Notes Christians Come Aboard Christians…

Sincere Worship

By: Jim Davis; ©2002 Jim Davis discusses the different aspects of sincere worship. Sincere Worship How sincere is your worship? We have probably all been guilty at some time or another of sitting through a church service and mouthing the words of some song without taking thought about the significance of those words or being…

How Does the Bible Describe Death

By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2002 The Bible uses a number of interesting figures of speech when it refers to death. This month Dr. Lutzer tells us about three of them: a departure; restful sleep; and a collapsing tent. How is each of these a pictures a comfort to Christians? How Does the Bible Describe Death?…

Giving Generously

By: Jim Davis; ©2002 The New Testament tells us a lot about the use of money. Jim Davis looks at several passages to give us some principles to use when considering our giving to the cause of Christ. Giving Generously “Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who…