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The Book of Zechariah-Part 9

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 Imagine a woman in a basket being carried by angels. What is it about such an unusual vision that would bring a message of hope to the nation of Israel? Dr. Stallard explains. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 9 This article is the ninth in a series of articles designed…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 8

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 In particular, this article will deal with the Vision of the Flying Scroll given in Zechariah 5:1-4. This vision focuses on individuals within the nation of Israel more than on the nation as a whole. The primary focus is on the judging acts of God. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 7

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 Dr. Stallard continues his commentary on the book of Zechariah with a look at the vision of the Golden Lampstand and Two Olive Trees given in chapter 4. There are several aspects of this vision which require a closer look to see their significance. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 7…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 6

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 Beginning with this vision, the next few visions in Zechariah deal with individual issues related to the overall future hope for the nation of Israel. In particular, this vision highlights the promise of divine cleansing from sin, which is in prospect for Israel. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 6 This…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 5

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 This article deals with the vision of the surveyor given in Zechariah 2:1-13. Dr. Stallard says that this vision highlights the same positive hope for the future of Jerusalem and the nation of Israel that we saw in the previous two visions. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 5 This article…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 4

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 Taking a look at Zechariah’s second vision, Dr. Stallard discusses the identity of the four horns, the meaning of the “horn”, and the comfort the listeners would have received as a result of this message from God. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 4 This article is the fourth in a…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 3

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 This article deals with the Vision of the Horses given in Zechariah 1:7-17. This is the first of eight night visions received by the prophet Zechariah. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 3 This article is the third in a series of articles designed to give a brief commentary on the…

The Book of Zechariah-Part 2

By: Dr. Michael Stallard; ©2002 This article deals with the introductory verses to the book (1:1-6), which highlight the call for national repentance on the part of the people of Judah following the Babylonian exile. Contents The Book of Zechariah—Part 2 This article is the second in a series of articles designed to give a…

Revelation-Part 40

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Continuing his study of Revelation chapters 17-19, Dr. Thomas describes the events surrounding the fall of Babylon and the attitudes of the people involved. Contents Contents 1 The Seventh Bowl: Part Five of Intercalation #1, Fall of Commercial Babylon Completed 1.1 Prediction of a Voice from Heaven with the Details…

Revelation-Part 43

By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2002 Event #2: an angel will issue a summons to all the birds of prey to come to the battlefield. Event #3: the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies gather to make war against the Rider and His army. Contents Contents 1 Events of the Seventh Bowl, #2…