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The Muslim View of the Bible

Muslims face a conundrum when dealing with the Christian Bible. The Quran states that those who believe in Allah should not disbelieve any of His written words. They are prohibited from embracing merely a portion of Allah’s revelation to humankind, which, in their view, must include the Bible (see Sura 4:136). The Quran also requires…


What Does Being Born Again Really Mean?

Dr. John Ankerberg: I remember the day that I invited Christ to come into my life. And, you know, some people talk about the experience of falling in love with a girl or a guy, and it was a real moment, okay? But for me it was a moment where all of a sudden, I…


The Muslim View of Salvation

From an Islamic perspective, humanity’s goal is not to seek to know God and become closer to Him through fellowship. Instead, the goal is to understand God’s (Allah’s) will and to follow His commandments more faithfully. Achieving salvation is synonymous with total submission to Allah, reflecting the core principle of Islam. (The word Islam means…


A Primer on Ghosts and Hauntings

Thirty-eight percent of Americans believe in the existence of ghosts and their ability to visit the earthly realm. This represents a significant portion of our population—well over 100 million Americans.  What Is a Ghost? A ghost is commonly described as the non-material manifestation of a dead person, or, in some cases, an animal. It is…


Allah—The God of Islam

Muslims affirm the existence of a single God or Supreme Being called Allah. The term “Allah” probably comes from al illah, meaning “the God.” Allah’s attributes include omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, and unity—denoting His indivisible nature as distinct from the concept of the Trinity.   Allah Has Many Names The Quran speaks of various names by which…


Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Divine Name “Jehovah”

The name, Jehovah, is God’s one and only true name, according to the Watchtower Society. Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that the sacred name was removed from the Bible by superstitious Jewish scribes a long time ago. However, the Watchtower says there is no cause for concern. They claim that their New World Translation of the Holy…


What Changes When You Are Born Again?

John Ankerberg: Erwin, the thing I want people to get is that Jesus is talking about, after you’re born again, there is actually something within you then that was not in you before you were born again. Talk about that. Erwin Lutzer: John, this is so exciting. There’s no other religion in the world that…


Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Doctrine of the Soul

What is the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Doctrine of the Soul? The Watchtower Society teaches that human beings do not possess a soul separate from the physical body. They say that the word “soul” does not refer to an “immaterial” part of a person that survives death, but to the very life that a person…


Muhammad—The Prophet of Islam

The continual use of Muhammad’s name among Muslims indicates their deep respect and reverence for him. Whether it’s spoken by worshipers in mosques, uttered by those in need, whispered by the sick and dying, or even invoked by soldiers in moments of danger, his name carries significant weight in all aspects of Muslim life. It…


The Teachings of the Spirits

The teachings of the spirits have been a subject of fascination and intrigue for many. Their teachings relate to God, Jesus, humankind, sin, salvation, heaven, and hell. These teachings are transmitted through human spiritists. Interestingly, there is a global consistency in the core doctrinal themes shared by spirits from different parts of the world. The…