Definition of Doubt
Introduction: Some Crucial Groundwork Doubt, manifested in many forms from the assurance of one’s salvation to factual questioning, is certainly one of the most frequent and painful problems which plague Christians. These studies propose to deal, successively, with the general topic of doubt as experienced by believers, and then, chiefly, with practical suggestions for the…

Jesus as a Living Person
Contents Previous Article Jesus as a Living Person The longer I work with the issue of doubt, the more I am convinced that a major key in the process is understanding, on a daily, practical basis, that Jesus is still intensely personal. In dealing with volitional doubt, in particular, we have already seen the importance…

Factual Doubt
This article is from a series by Dr. Gary Habermas teaching on doubt in our lives. There are several articles including the explanation of doubt itself and the different types such as emotional, volitional and factual. This article focuses on the factual. Factual doubt is referred to as the species of uncertainty which is frequently…

Identifying Doubt
Contents Previous Article Identifying Doubt The point has already been made that it is crucial to identify the type of doubt from which a person is suffering in order to attempt to deal with it. The primary reason for this statement is that there are different varieties of uncertainty and, like medicine, different remedies are…

Heaven: A New Perspective on Life
Contents Previous Article Heaven: A New Perspective on Life In one sense, this could be viewed as the single most important chapter in this volume. Personally, I think that the New Testament perspective on heaven and its relationship to a believer’s life is the most revolutionary idea (next to salvation) ever penned. And the key…

When God Does Not Answer
Many doubts are seemingly caused when believers do not receive the answers to their prayers or other needs like they think they should. In other words, uncertainty sometimes occurs when God does not act in the way that we think is required. We are giving this issue special attention not only because of its…

Make Disciples: Jesus’ Call to All Christians/Program 1
By: Dr. Robby Gallaty; ©2010 What is the Great Commission is and what God expects of Christians who seek to live it out. As we do, we’ll see that the Great Commission is a high and holy calling worthy of our time, attention, and devotion. Announcer: What do you think is the main thing,…

Why To Say No When Lust Says Yes
Robby Gallaty August 16, 2014 Message, Robby Gallaty, Senior Pastor The title of the message this evening, if you are taking notes, “Why To Say No When Lust Says Yes.” Why to say no when lust says yes, or how to say no would be a more applicable way to say it. How to say…

Prayer: A Long Walk with God
Cathy Sims shares from her personal experience of prayer. We don’t have to always pray long prayers or follow a specific pattern for prayer. If you are not in the habit of spending a lot of time in prayer—you won’t instantly have a lot to talk about with the Lord! Don’t get so worried about…

How and Why We Need to Pray
Why is it important for Christians to pray? Cathy Sims shares from her personal experience of prayer. I am often asked, “Since God knows everything, why should we pray?” Do you realize what a privilege it is that the God who created the universe takes the time to listen and talk to you? One reason it…