Shaping the New World Civilization – A Global Calendar of Events

By: Gary Kah; ©2002
Gary Kah, along with Carl Teichrib and Steve Frazer, detail a number of conferences and events planned for 2002 that will emphasize and promote a New Age agenda.


Shaping the New World Civilization:
A Global Calendar of Events

If you have been a steady reader of the Hope for the World newsletter over the last two years you will have noticed a marked increase in the number of major one world meetings being held during this period. As we’ve stated in past issues, the year 2000 was a “coming out” celebration for New Age globalists while 2001 was the beginning of the implementation phase.

The past year was characterized by a great deal of posturing, especially on the part of Mikhail Gorbachev. We saw Gorbachev become a regular on the “conservative” lecture circuit. I (Gary) attended one seminar sponsored by Success Events International which had Gorbachev speaking alongside American celebrities–including George Bush, Senior. The meeting was held in Nashville, Tennessee and had approximately 10,000 people in attendance, many of whom were business and community leaders. This meeting gave Gorbachev the opportunity to charm and condition the audience for his proposed changes. I was amazed by his frank remarks concerning the New World Order and the need to drastically empower global structures.

The number one reason Gorbachev cites for global government is the environment. He contends that a global institution is needed to deal with this global problem, and if we don’t act soon, it will be too late–the world will self-destruct. As part of his push for world govern­ment, Gorbachev proposes his Earth Charter, a document for which he has become the chief spokesperson and which he believes will save the planet.

The Italian Connection

On Friday, June 8th Gorbachev’s agenda took a big step forward with the formal public unveiling of the Charter. The ceremony was held in Urbino, Italy–a town approximately 135 miles north of Rome. This “great international event” was sponsored by Italy’s President, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.

The Earth Charter website ( in its pre-event coverage stated:

MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, President of Green Cross International, Introduces THE EARTH CHARTER…
Mikhail Gorbachev, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, President of Green Cross International, co-chairman of the Earth Commission, will present this important document and illustrate the philosophy at the root of the project.
Numerous international and Italian celebrities will be in Urbino for the ceremony; amongst them, Rita Levi-Montalcini winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Honorary President of the Italian Green Cross, Steven Rockefeller of the international foundation of the same name, Father Massimiliano Mizzi, General administrator of “Dialogo dell’Opera Frati Minori Conventuali” of Assisi, the Metropolitan Pitirim of the Moscow Patriarchate and various members of the advisory committee of Green Cross International amongst whom figure celebrities like Shimon Peres, Evgeni Velikov, Arba Diallo, Thor Heyerdhal, Ted Turner and Robert Redford.

This prestigious gathering formulated the Urbino Declaration in support of the principles of the Earth Charter. The Italian National UNESCO Commission and dozens of Italian towns have already joined Urbino’s lead, putting Italy at the forefront of implementing this agenda. The Italian initiatives are expected to serve as a model for environmental action across the world. In fact, according to the Earth Charter website:

Urbino plans to set up a permanent operational nucleus, the Territorial Laboratory, which will work with the Green Cross International network on local sustainable development and will promote guidelines for dialogue on a worldwide basis regarding shared global ethics and values. (emphasis added)

Introducing a “New” Religion

The underlying purpose of Gorbachev’s environmental proposals becomes apparent when one examines the core beliefs of his sponsors. Their spiritual motivations were abundantly clear on September 29th at the Earth Charter Summits. These summits, hosted simulta­neously in 12 cities across America, were linked together by interactive television coordi­nated by the Ethics and Meaning Center in Tampa, Florida. (The network of Earth Charter Communities in the US is being built from this location.)

Steve Frazer, a researcher, was able to attend the community summit held in Indianapolis– one of the host cities. Steve took extensive notes and gave me permission to share his experiences in this report.

According to Steve, Jerry King, the chairman of the Indianapolis committee, said the goal of these summits was to get professional and community groups involved in a grassroots effort to support the Earth Charter Initiative. The summits were held for the specific reason of launching the Earth Charter campaign in America and getting Americans to sign the Charter–sometimes referred to as a “Declaration of Interdependence.” While all of this may be true, Steve found the main motivation behind the Charter to be spiritual. This was dem­onstrated in several ways.

For example, the Indianapolis summit convened on the campus of Marian College. Marian happens to be a Franciscan (Catholic) college. At first, Steve thought that the selection of this site for the local summit was merely a coincidence, until the following statement was made by a female dignitary via television:

This is a spiritual day presented by the Allegheny Sisters Foundation, Franciscan sisters supporting a Catholic foundation. Our movement comes across the centuries as we work together to preserve our world…

Steve was also taken aback by the blatant New Age overtones of the summit. One of the afternoon sessions involved Yoga. The programme entry under Yoga stated,

Relax and discipline your mind with this Hindu spiritual art form. Let Kim Allen, a certified yoga instructor, guide you towards the path of enlightenment and liberation.

Another session was titled Tai Chi Chih. The entry stated, “Join Ann Daly as she teaches you the techniques of this spiritual art form. Relaxation and lots of moving energy abound!”

At one point during the summit, the attention shifted to the national level. A prayer wasbroadcast live from Tampa via satellite, to all participating cities. The prayer included a request for blessings from “sister moon and stars…brothers wind and air…sister water… brother fire…sister earth–our mother who feeds us…and sister death…”

This was followed by remarks from each of the conference sites. Then back to Tampa, where David Korten, President of Positive Future’s Network, addressed the audience. He seemed to lay the groundwork for a “new” religion with the following remarks:

Humanity is experiencing an evolutionary step in culture itself. We must free ourselves of a blind trance, redirect our life energy…as we are becoming a new culture…The world is in a cultural trance…a cultural trance that goes back to the old story, that matter is the only reality…The awakening of our cultural conscience is leading to a new story that is emerging, [it] awakens us to a sacred cosmos…
Fifteen billion years ago all energy and mass packed into the size of a pinhead, exploded and was dispersed across space…then four billion years ago earth gave birth to a living organism, a single cell…these cells then transformed into a living web…[then] came the creation of a being with the capacity to reflect on its own consciousness.
The new story, of which the building blocks are thoughts…spiritual intelligence is God…we must choose the new story to guide our future…this is a time of passage to a new human era…an evolutionary moment, taking a step toward species maturity.

Steven Rockefeller, Commissioner of the Earth Charter Initiative (and Professor of Religion at Middlebury College in Vermont), was the next speaker. Here are a few of his remarks:

We make a mistake to believe terrorism is the major challenge we face today…the only long-term answer is to build together a global culture of peace…a worldwide culture of all peoples…All global eco-systems are being degraded. Global warming, rising oceans are threatening coastal cities and villages…We urgently need a national and international declaration of interdependence. We have entered a planetary phase of interdependence…global cooperation is essential for…prevention of global warming and economic opportunity…But we face isolationism. No problems in our world can be faced in isolation. Poverty is caused by environmental degradation…this will require new global ethics.

Steve Frazer said that after hearing the speakers, he left this event with the realization that a new global interfaith religion was being introduced. Designed to replace the “old story” of Christianity, this “new story” involved the worship of creation.

The Great Peacemaker

Steve was particularly alarmed to see the high level of participation by Catholic organiza­tions in such a blatantly pantheistic event. How can Christianity and the teachings of pan­theism be reconciled? The fact is–they can’t. True Christianity and pantheism run in direct opposition to each other. Catholicism, however, has opened the door to pantheism and interfaithism in a major way, as I have documented in chapters 8 & 9 of my book The New World Religion.

It should not come as a surprise that there is a strong Catholic connection to this agenda. The fact that Gorbachev and the Pope are working closely together has been well estab­lished in our past publications. It was probably no coincidence that the Earth Charter was officially introduced in Italy. Everywhere we look we are now finding strong Catholic ties into the one world movement. (If you will recall, the registration process for the UN Millen­nium Forum in May of 2000 was overseen by Franciscans International.)

Just recently, Pope John Paul II called for yet another meeting which will further the cause of interfaith unity. According to a Reuters news article (“Pope Calls World Religions to Peace Summit,” Nov. 18, 2001) the Pope has invited the leaders of all the world’s religions to join him in Italy next month. He described this as “an historic moment for humanity.”

The Pope said he hoped the January 24 meeting in the Italian hill city of Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, would be particularly helpful to improve relations between Christians and Muslims following the September 11 attacks on the United States.

As you may recall, the Pope hosted a similar interfaith meeting in Assisi in 1986. We ob­tained video footage of that meeting showing occult rituals and ceremonies being practiced in full view of the attendees. Some of you have seen that same footage and have ex­pressed your concerns over the direction the Vatican is taking.

According to Reuters,

The Pope said he wanted the new Assisi summit in the birthplace of the saint mostassociated with peace “to help overcome contrasts and promote authentic peace.”
Father Vincenzo Fortunato, a spokesman for the Franciscan order in Assisi which hosted the 1986 peace meeting, said: “For us, this shows once more the spiritual genius of the Pope who is again trying to influence the world with the power of prayer. We are delighted he is coming back for this and thank him.”

Things to Come

The political, religious and economic components of the “new world civilization” are rapidly coming together. This is reflected in the strengthening alliance between Gorbachev, the Pope, members of the Rockefeller family and other global interests. A growing number of nations and leaders are “cozying up” to this alliance as well.

For example, as you review the calendar of events on the following pages you will notice the visible role that England is playing in the one world agenda. An ever-increasing number of significant international meetings are being held in that country as Tony Blair lends his support to the New World Order.

You will also notice a large number of meetings on the environment and sustainable devel­opment. The environment is the central issue being used by globalists to build the legal infrastructure for world government. This developing system, as Gorbachev has hinted, will take shape either through an empowered United Nations or an expanded European Union. (At present, both institutions are being strengthened simultaneously.)

Whatever the case may be, Gorbachev has made clear that he would like his Earth Charter fully ratified by the end of 2002. If this is to take place, a great deal must happen on the world stage over the course of the next 12 months.

While Gorbachev’s environmental strategy represents an important part of the globalization effort, I believe it will be the issues of world peace and security that will ultimately put hu­manity “over the top” to embrace the new world system.

Terrorism will undoubtedly help create the conditions necessary for global change. We can expect additional unconscionable acts to be perpetrated, especially against Americans and Israelis–possibly even involving nuclear, chemical or biological warfare. If the current esca­lation of violence continues, it may not be long before the people of the world are willing to sacrifice some, or all, of their sovereignty for the promise of peace. Whoever appears to solve the Jewish/Islamic dilemma will be in a position to rule the world.

Revelation 13 describes a leader who will work through a global political system–using his economic and military influence–to force a type of religious worship upon humanity. This political/religious system, once in place, will be so powerful and corrupt, the return of Jesus Christ will be required to put an end to it. (II Thessalonians 2:8)

Whether this Satanic global system and the return of Jesus are just around the corner or still years away, God is allowing us to see the birth pangs of things to come in order to bring us to full repentance and obedience to Him. Please heed these warnings and do not delay in choosing to follow Jesus Christ!

Scheduled Events for 2002

The following calendar of events highlights some of the most important upcoming meetings affecting global governance. As prior years have shown, many more events will come to light as we enter and progress through the new year.

January 1: European Currency Changes
Where: Europe Union countries

On January 1, twelve European nations will be switching their national currencies over to the Euro. With the start of 2002, 14 billion euro banknotes and 50 billion euro coins will replace the currencies of Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxem­bourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and Finland. This unprecedented move is a major milestone in the quest for a single European political, economic and military regime. Its significance cannot be overstated; this is a vital issue that bears watching. It will be interesting to see how this new hard currency will affect the global economy and the realm of political internationalism.

January 3-6:Temple of Understanding Conference on Education
Where: Delhi, India

Internationally recognized as a cutting-edge interfaith organization, the New York-based Temple of Understanding will be hosting a conference aimed at linking the global interfaith agenda with public education. Not surprisingly, this inter-religious/educational connection is considered vital to the cause of global unity. And it’s no surprise that India–with it’s deep philo­sophical and institutional roots in both the world government and interfaith movement–was chosen to be the hosting nation for one of the first inter-religious planning sessions of 2002.

January 16-19: “Rediscovering the Americas”
Where: Washington, D.C.

The World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) is the umbrella organization for a multitude of regional and city-wide World Affairs organizations across the US. This WACA meeting will focus on the “need for” a pan-American political and economic system–possibly mod­eled after the European Union–which would stretch from northern Canada to the southern tip of Chile. It’s also expected that a comprehensive North American security network will be discussed in light of the September 11 attacks.

Colin Powell was originally slated to speak to the group.

January 21-25: “NATO’s Enlargement and European Security”
Where: Wilton Park (an estate), England

Wilton Park is a modernized sixteenth century English rural house located in the middle of the English countryside. It is a special place where small groups of policymakers, govern­ment officials, and foreign policy experts meet for “informed discussions and networking.” Conferences are deliberately kept small, with no more than 70 people present; thus partici­pants are assured of being part of the conference process (only those with “expertise” are encouraged to attend). Each year, dozens of three to five day conferences are held at Wilton Park, dealing with such issues as international environmental law, global security agendas, expansion of the European Union, UN empowerment, and more.

This particular conference will look at NATO expansion and its effects on European secu­rity. Participants include Franklin Kramer (former US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs), Uwe Nerlich (Director of the Centre for European Strategic Research), Ronald Asmus (Senior Fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations), Simon Lunn (Secretary-General for the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels), and other high-level individuals. Topics to be discussed include, modernizing NATO, creating a new pan-Euro/NATO security strategy, the possible impacts of a US missile defense program, and an examination of NATO candidate countries (nations wishing to join).

Be aware that NATO enlargement and the development of a European Union military force (currently underway) is part of a comprehensive global security arrangement being dis­cussed by inside experts. According to the international community, world peace can only be achieved through an enforceable system of world law. Keep in mind that “enforcement” would require a police agency equipped for such a task. It’s no surprise then to learn that the governments of Canada and Denmark have proposed a “world police force” to the United Nations.

Note: Wilton Park exists as an Executive Agency of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), and is underwritten by the same. The FCO also provides Wilton Park with advice and contacts.

January 24: Vatican Peace Summit
Where: Assisi, Italy

In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Pope John Paul II has called for an inter­faith meeting in Assisi. This event, which is to further the cause of world peace, is designed for leaders of all faiths. To ensure the success of the event, the Pope has made a special plea to the religions of the world, asking for representatives to attend and lend their support and guid­ance. The Pope is expected to use this meeting as an opportunity to address Mideast peace.

January 31-February 2: “Globalism and Regionalism: the Evolving International System”
Where: Winnipeg, Canada

Each year the University of Manitoba’s political studies department sponsors an academic conference on international affairs. During this particular conference, invited experts, de­partment faculty, students, and other interested parties will explore issues surrounding “global governance,” including the role of the United Nations as an international manage­ment agency.

In the past, conference participants have come from world-renowned universities, the United Nations, NATO, the RAND Corporation, and various government and military agen­cies. As a university-based conference, it has been recognized as a key symposium on foreign relations, and is known for its focus on global policymaking “alternatives” and Canada’s evolving role within the international community.

January 31-February 5: “World Economic Forum”
Where: Davos, Switzerland

This annual event brings together the most powerful members of the international eco­nomic community. The purpose: strategizing how to effectively manage the world’s finan­cial system and attain a new global economic order.

February 9-11: Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2002
Where: New Delhi, India

During the 1992 United Nations Rio Earth Summit–the largest meeting of its kind in his­tory–a series of comprehensive environmental documents were released to the world. Unknown to the general public, these “global action plans” were specifically designed to re­shape society according to a “regime of world law.” It was also during the Rio summit that the Earth Charter program was initiated.

The year 2002 marks the tenth anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit, and a major confer­ence dubbed RIO+10 is being planned to mark this historic event. To assist in preparing the international community for RIO+10, the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit will assemble the “finest minds concerned with sustainable development and protection of the planet.” It is anticipated that the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit will “recharge the political momentum and the enthusiasm of all involved in the RIO+10 process,” which will include re-focusing the world’s attention on the commitments made during the 1992 Earth Summit and its “world change” documents, principles, and agendas.

February 14-16: “Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship”
Where: Copenhagen, Denmark

The aim of this international conference is to “explore the role of ecology and environmen­tal ideas in the context of contemporary society and international politics,” with a special emphasis on forming “social norms” for proper global citizenship. According to the world community, good global citizenship requires individuals to embrace pagan earth-first prin­ciples and to see oneself as a member of the global village.

February 21-23: “Earth Dialogues, Globalisation and Sustainable Development: Is Ethics the Missing Link?”
Where: Lyon, France

This forum is being organized by Green Cross International (Mikhail Gorbachev’s organiza­tion) and the Earth Council (Maurice Strong’s organization), along with the City of Lyon, the Earth Charter Secretariat, the United Nations Environment Program, the World Council of Former Foreign Ministers, and a host of other major international non-governmental organi­zations (NGOs).[1]

According to the most recent information, this meeting “will seek to encourage high-level pressure and guidance”–all in the name of building a new world civilization based on glo­balization, international ethics, and world unification. It’s expected that this event will heighten awareness and prioritize the development of a set of “global ethics” based on earth-first principles, which are to be discussed during the RIO+10 World Summit.

March 4-7: “Streamlining and Strengthening the United Nations”
Where: Wilton Park (see the January 21-25 listing for details on Wilton Park), England

This particular conference, “Streamlining and Strengthening the United Nations,” will exam­ine what institutional changes will take place within the UN in light of the recent re-election of Kofi Annan as Secretary-General. Some of the issues to be discussed include enhanc­ing the political leadership of the UN in world affairs, ways in which the UN Millennium Declaration[2] might be effectively implemented, and how to improve the organization’s performance in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, human rights issues, environmental protection, and poverty reduction.

March 18-21: “Enlarging the European Union”
Where: Wilton Park, (see the January 21-25 listing for details on Wilton Park), England

How can key obstacles to European Union enlargement in Eastern Europe and the Medi­terranean region be overcome? How can public support for EU enlargement be effectively mobilized? What effect will an expanded NATO have on the EU process? These questions and others will be dealt with during round-table discussions at Wilton Park.

We need to be alert to the fact that in the months and years ahead, the European Union will become extensively strengthened in all areas. Continuing EU political, economic, and military expansion will go a long way in changing how our world functions.

March 18-22: United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development
Where: Monterrey, Mexico

This major United Nations event links the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and other major financial institutions with the UN system itself. While in Mexico, the international community will consider new approaches to do­mestic and international financing, including innovative ways of ensuring “global develop­ment” in compliance with world law. To this end, the United Nations will be working hard at building bridges of cooperation between itself and the other central world economic players, including national governments and influential non-governmental organizations.

Spring (Date not yet known): World Federalist Association (WFA) Spring Assembly
Where: Washington, DC

The World Federalist Association is the largest US non-governmental organization charged with the specific task of promoting and advancing world government. Each spring the WFA gathers in Washington to conduct an intense lobbying effort aimed at pressuring US law­makers to vastly strengthen the United Nations, the cause of world law, and other global government ideals.

April 22: “Earth Day”
Where: Worldwide

Earth Day celebrations will take place around the world, commemorating and giving praises to “Mother Earth.” This occasion will be used to bolster the global environmental movement and to convince school children that they are spiritually one with the Earth.

May 12-15: “Global Governance 2002: Civil Society and the Democratization of Global Governance”
Where: Montreal, Canada

This world conference is hosted by the Montreal International Forum, an important player in bringing the global governance agenda to fruition. Of particular interest, this conference will address the growing role of NGOs within the global governance movement. Key objectives of “Global Governance 2002” include reviewing national and international governance policies, panel discussions on “democratizing global governance,” developing the role of the international “corporate community,” and examining strategic points of influence within the public and private sector.

Slated to attend are delegates from the United Nations and other international institutions, global financial organizations, national governments, and representatives from the multi‑national business community. More than 1,500 participants are expected.

May 13-17: “Climate Change: What Can Be Done?”
Where: Wilton Park (see the January 21-25 listing for details on Wilton Park), England

This Wilton Park conference will discuss ways to implement the UN Convention on Climate Change in light of the Bush administration’s stance. Bear in mind that climate change issues are central to the development of an international regime of environmental laws.

May 30-June 2: “Interdisciplinary Conference on the Evolution of World Order: From Knowledge to Sound Policy and Action Preparatory Conference”
Where: Toronto, Canada

World government advocates from across Canada and abroad will be meeting in the heart of Toronto to examine policy options and recommendations for global government. By bringing into the fold committed experts from all walks of life, it is anticipated that this con­ference will take on a holistic approach to “world order.”

July 11-16: The XXIV World Congress of the World Federalist Movement
Where: London, Englan

The World Federalist Movement (WFM) is a leading international organization dedicated to the development of world government. It works very closely with the United Nations and has ties with the European Union and various national governments.

During this 24th World Congress, the organization will examine its policies, action plans, and lobbying strategies for global governance. Topics to be discussed include the Interna­tional Criminal Court (which is a brainchild of the WFM), economic globalization practices, international democracy and the changing face of national governments, international responses to terrorism, and critical issues surrounding global environmental and sustain­able development agendas.

It’s expected that officials from the United Nations, national governments, and prominent NGOs will attend, as has been the case in past congresses. In fact, this particular congress will bring together delegates from 37 member and associated organizations of the WFM, including the US branch–the World Federalist Association.

July 20-22: “World View 2002”
Where: Philadelphia

This is the annual conference of the World Future Society. It will examine global economic trends, international environmental issues, world citizenship education, the future role of religion in a globalized society, and the re-shaping of current political structures. This orga­nization has considerable clout in moving the one world agenda forward and is closely linked to the WFM.

End of July (exact date unknown): World Civil Society Forum
Where: Geneva, Switzerland

Originally conceived during the United Nations Millennium Forum (see Hope For The World’s Special Intelligence Report on the UN Millennium Forum, published in the Summer of 2000), the upcoming World Civil Society Forum is specifically designed to strengthen ties between powerful NGOs and the United Nations. This event will examine different aspects of the international arena, including environmental initiatives, health issues, human rights, global education, international peace and security, and the advancement of relevant tech­nologies. Cooperation between UN agencies and NGOs will be highlighted, with the forum paying particular attention to organizations working in developing countries.

Of special interest is the fact that the forum can contribute directly to RIO +10, giving par­ticipating NGOs extra leverage in shaping the global environmental agenda.

August 18-23: United Religions Initiative Global Assembly 2002
Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The United Religions Initiative (URI) is working to build a global interfaith community, in which all religions are to be recognized as valid and equal pathways to God. Towards this end, the URI will be holding a Global Assembly in Rio de Janeiro, thereby giving South America a voice within the interfaith movement. (See Gary Kah’s book The New World Religion for more information on the interfaith movement).

Beginning of September (exact date unknown): 55th Annual DPI/NGO Conference
Where: UN Headquarters, New York

Each year, the United Nations Department of Information meets with NGOs from around the world. The purpose is to strengthen the relationship between NGOs and the entire UN system. Over the years, conference issues have included human rights, security and peace, social development, and environmental concerns. How the NGO network can lobby national governments towards empowering the UN is always a key factor in these annual get-togethers.

September 2-11: UN Earth Summit +10 World Conference on Sustainable Development (also known as the Johannesburg Summit and RIO+10)
Where: Johannesburg, South Africa

This is “the big event” for 2002! Much has happened during the past ten years since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Many national, state, and county governments have–to some degree or another–worked to implement the recommendations of the Rio Earth Summit. Local Agenda 21 programs have sprung up, and initiatives such as the Earth Charter have been birthed and are moving forward. But pro-world government environmentalists aren’t satisfied. Hence, the United Nations Earth Summit in Johannesburg will focus on what needs to be done to see universal adoption of the 1992 Earth Summit action plans (Agenda 21 and the Convention on Biodiversity are the two main examples). Working alongside the UN Johannesburg event will be a non-governmental forum specifically for NGOs. This forum will work to empower non-governmental organizations in lobbying national governments to accept and put into practice world environmental laws.

It will be interesting to see how governments respond to this renewed call for environmental action. Watch as national, state, and local governments take a fresh interest in global environment and sustainable development programs. Also, be aware that the international community is hoping to eventually have in place a world environment authority, equipped with legal teeth and broad mandates. It is expected that this world authority platform will come up for discussion either during the RIO+10 summit or the parallel NGO forum.

September 23-26: “Prospects for Peace in the Middle East”
Where: Wilton Park (see the January 21-25 listing for details on Wilton Park), England

How can the peace process between the PLO and the Israeli government be revived? What role will the European Union have in the effective establishment of a comprehensive peace plan? What role will the Bush administration play in the process? And how might economic, political, and social pressures be applied to implement peaceful change? These questions, and more, will be discussed in the quiet setting of Wilton Park.

October (exact date unknown): Global People’s Assembly
Where: Pune, India

The Global People’s Assembly (GPA) is an embryonic people’s parliament which–organizers hope–will eventually work as a parallel body to the United Nations. Back in April 2000 the GPA held their inaugural session in Samoa. In 2002, the second international gathering will be held at the UNESCO Peace Center in Pune, India. Currently the GPA meets on a global scale every two years. However, regional GPA meetings are held between each bi-annual assembly, with the aim of building local political and public support for the larger body.

Already numerous UN officials have endorsed the GPA, including Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

October 11-23: Kalachakra for World Peace
Where: Graz, Austria

The Kalachakra celebration is a ten-day Buddhist peace ritual with the participation of the Dalai Lama. In 1999, the Kalachakra was performed in Bloomington, Indiana. During this Indiana event, government officials (includi

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