The New Barbarians: Training children to Kill (A MovieGuide® Review)

By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2003
It’s bad enough when we see news footage of children in “summer camps” being taught how to use rifles, how to make bombs, and that to die as a suicide bomber is a high honor. But what would you say if you knew some of these kids were being trained right here in America?! This documentary from Caryl Matriciana shows how American kids are being trained to hate and to kill.


Training children to kill A MovieGuide® Review


The New Barbarians tells the horrible story of the radical Jihad movement within Islam, which incites children to hatred, violence and killing. Movieguide® recommends that you get a copy of The New Barbarians and that you share it with the adults in your church.


The New Barbarians is one of those video documentaries that you’d like to show to every person you know. It is that timely and profound.

It tells the horrible story of the radical Jihad movement within Islam, which incites young children to hatred, violence and to kill. It tells this story through Palestine Authority (Arab) television programming, Internet news footage produced by the BBC and documentary footage shot in the US, of the Jihad training camps, including camps in the U.S. In these camps, children as young as five-years-old are taught not just to use guns, but also to hate Jews, Americans and “infidels” (all non-believers in Islam), but especially Jews.

These children say some horrible things on camera. It is difficult to comprehend the violence children are taught: the suicide bombers, the young students carrying human entrails, and the children cheering the destruction of the twin towers on September 11, 2003. Yasser Arafat and other Arab leaders call on the children to kill and be martyrs. Even Muslim mothers say that they want their little children to become martyrs; that is, to commit suicide and die as genocide and homicide human bombs for the Jewish-Muslim conflict. It breaks your heart. Over and over again Jesus’ words come to mind when he said, “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” (Mark 9:42)

The New Barbarians makes its case relentlessly, carefully, and intelligently. What’s worse is that these training camps are here in the U.S.

Movieguide® recommends that you get a copy of The New Barbarians and that you share it with the adults in your church. God’s word tells us to expose the fruitless works of darkness. Before we can deal with this heinous threat, we need to understand it and to understand the Christian response, which is presented so eloquently in this video.

RELEASE: April, 2003
DIRECTOR: Caryl Matrisciana
PRODUCER: Caryl Matrisciana
GENRE: Documentary

This update is published by the Christian Film & Television Commission You’ll find subscription information for DR. Ted Baehr’s MOVIEGUIDE® eNewsletter on our MOVIEGUIDE® website.

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