Daniel-Wayne Barber/Part 11

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©2006
What is God going to have to do to get us down off of our high horse? Pride is a subtle thing and whenever it begins to be a part of our lifestyle, look out! God will not tolerate it. He hates pride. He does not tolerate what man can do. He wants man to understand what only He can do.

The Dead End Street Called Pride – Part 1 (Daniel 4:1-18 )

Turn with me to Daniel 4. Moving very quickly through the book of Daniel, I simply want to entitle this tonight the “Dead End Street Called Pride.” You know, if you want to know the definition of “pride,” take the word and the middle letter will define itself: P-R-I-D-E. There it is right there. As a matter of fact, you can do the same with the word “sin;” the middle letter is its own definition. The dead end street called pride.

You know, as we study through Daniel and we see that many years transpire between the chapters, you would think that Nebuchadnezzar, at some point in his life, would finally learn. But some people just seem never to learn. He’s had two incredible experiences with the one true living God. This is a pagan king, remember. They’ve taken the people of God into captivity. In chapter 2, God interrupts his life, just shakes him up. Gives him a dream that in that dream and its interpretation, gives us the whole panorama of history, what even is going to take place in the latter days. In chapter 3 he sees Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into a fiery furnace, heated seven times as hot as it’s ever been heated and yet we see them being delivered by our God.

Now he’s encountered the true and living God at least twice in his life and in miraculous ways. And so you would think that all the things he’d seen about our God would humble him and he would bow down and worship our God. Not so! He’s hardheaded. And in chapter 4, we’re going to see that Nebuchadnezzar wouldn’t get down off his high horse and so the Lord knocked him off.

As a matter of fact, the key verse is in chapter 4, verse 37. It’s almost like the Lord is saying to Nebuchadnezzar, “Enough is enough, friend. If you don’t know who I am by now, you better bow down to Me.” Daniel 4:37; what a verse for us to go home with: “Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise, exalt, and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just [in other words, they’re righteous; they don’t have to be defended] and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.” Now that’s the testimony of a man who has been greatly humbled by our God.

I wonder what it’s going to take in some of our lives? What is God going to have to do to get us down off of our high horse? Pride is a subtle thing and whenever it begins to be a part of our lifestyle, look out! God will not tolerate it. He hates pride. He does not tolerate what man can do. He wants man to understand what only He can do.

Well, if you look in chapter 4, we see that Nebuchadnezzar is recounting this story and we can see that if we’re having a testimonial meeting tonight, he would be the first one to his feet. He’s got a message he’s just got to share. Have you ever been in a situation like that? And people say, “Would you like to just share what God is doing in your life?” And some people just jump to their feet and they just can’t seem to wait and they’ve got to share what is going on in their life. Well, Nebuchadnezzar has something to say.

This proud old pagan king has finally been brought down and he has definitely a testimony. It says in verse 1, “Nebuchadnezzar the king to all the peoples, nations, and men of every language that live in all the earth: ‘May your peace abound! It has seemed good to me to declare the signs and wonders which the Most High God has done for me.’” Now that’s interesting isn’t it? You’re catching the tale-end of the story. He’s starting off saying, “I have something to say. Something has happened to me. God has done great things in my life.”

The word “signs” there refers to miracles and the word “wonders” refers basically to his response to those miracles: the miraculous things that God did in Nebuchadnezzar’s life, his response of wonder that he gave back to the Lord. You know, that’s what a miracle is for anyway. And I can throw this in without it costing us anything here. In John 20, very clearly it states that the signs that Jesus did, speaking of His miracles on this earth, were for one reason: they were to point to who He is and the fact that He’s God, the fact that He’s the Messiah, the fact that He’s God’s Son. And you know, so often people start worshipping the signs and forget what the sign is pointing to. Remember that.

There were some signs in Nebuchadnezzar’s life. He didn’t get hung up in the signs; he saw what God wanted him to see. The wonder of it all was that he realized that it was the Most High God. Look in verse 3, “How great are His signs, and how mighty are His wonders!” Now God’s taught Nebuchadnezzar something, because notice the next phrase. He compares his own kingdom to God’s kingdom. He says, “His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation.” Mine, not much to it; I live for a while and I die and somebody else takes it over, but His kingdom is everlasting and it goes from generation to generation.

Now in this story of God’s humbling Nebuchadnezzar, there are basically five parts and I apologize that we don’t have the time to do all five of them this time, but I’m going to do two of them at least and get our appetites whetted a little bit, and perhaps this week you can read ahead of us and begin to discover what God does in Nebuchadnezzar’s life. How does He humble that king? We’ll see a little bit of it.

The delusion of his pride

But the two things I want us to look at, first of all, is verses 1-8 as Nebuchadnezzar recounts the delusion of his pride.

You see, even though God had tried to intervene in his life, tried to tell him that he really didn’t get to power on his own, that God had raised him up, Nebuchadnezzar just seemed like, we said earlier, never seemed to learn. And so we see how he was deluded with pride. That’s one of the saddest things in a person’s life when he starts thinking he’s doing it all himself. Do you ever hear people talk, “Oh, I’m telling you, I’m a self-made man.” Oh, brother! You’re not! God is the One who is in control. God is the One who raises up and God is the One who brings down. God’s the One who establishes the seasons of our life. It is God who is in control and foolish is the man who thinks that what he’s doing, he’s doing in his own power. It is God who allows, it is God who is behind it.

Well, verses 1-8 we see the delusion of pride. How subtle it really is. Look in verse 4. He says, “I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at ease in my house and flourishing in my palace.” Boy, that sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? I get the picture that he’s got him a hammock out in the back yard, it’s a breezy day, and he’s laying out there just admiring his kingdom. Now, if you look in the encyclopedias about the kingdom of Babylon, it’ll give you some unreal pictures. This was an elaborate, an extravagant kingdom and so old Neb, he’s looking out over his kingdom, several years have passed in chapter 3, and he’s just enjoying himself. Man, everything is good: peace with everybody, he’s the best king around. “Look what I have done.” Laying back there in that hammock, got him a lemonade, got his shoes kicked off, it’s a nice, easy afternoon, he’s just at ease and flourishing in his kingdom, thinking that he did it all himself. How sick can you get?

You know, I’ve noticed these commercials, and isn’t it sad that the beer commercials end up sometimes being some of the wittiest because they have the money to put them in there. Then they put them in these sports events as if that’s the way young athletes are supposed to think. I wish they’d put the sick situations of people being mangled and maimed and families being ripped apart by alcohol and then say, “Hey, isn’t this wonderful?” But anyway, you know the commercial of the two guys, the guys are out fishing. You can tell it’s a bunch of men that have gotten away.

These men were all together and they were fishing and I remember one particular scene, they’d been catching trout or whatever and they’re sitting on the side of the river. It shows them casting flies, shows the fish coming up and grabbing the fly, you know, and all this, and you know, a wonderful day catching those fish. And then they’re sitting around the campfire that evening, you know the commercial. And they’re cooking the fish and one of them leans over as he takes a big old glass of suds and says, “You know, guys, it just doesn’t get any better than this!”

Now, isn’t that dumb? Think about it. Now for him, it probably doesn’t. I guarantee you. The next step is he’s going to be in some rehab unit after he’s completely demolished his family or killed somebody else, trying to get dried out. But “it just doesn’t get any better than this.” Getting sick off the fish you ate, getting drunk off of something that will completely delude your mind. But that’s the height of pride, folks. To some people, that’s it. And it’s an attitude that I feel that Nebuchadnezzar has right here. Man, he’s just proud of himself. He’s at ease; he’s flourishing in his power.

He’s got it all under control, man. He’s number one, he’s on top of the whole world at this particular point. Watch! Verse 5, I love this. “I saw a dream.” Buddy, he’s had enough of dreams in chapter 2 and he doesn’t want any more. Many years have gone by and that’s something that shook his life because God moved in and his own people could not interpret it and Daniel had to come on the scene. Well, look here, God’s about to move again. “I saw a dream and it made me fearful; and these fantasies as I lay on my bed and the visions in my mind kept alarming me.” Oh, no! Another dream.

I wonder why it made him fearful. I think it’s because he’s had one before and he’s got a sneaking suspicion God’s up to something again in his life. Isn’t it wonderful guys, when we can just be left alone? “God, don’t bother me. I’m doing my thing. Don’t bother me.” But you know, God’s not going to leave us alone. And when that pride begins to set in, God’s going to make His move in every one of our lives for He is able to humble those who walk in pride.

And so, what does he do? Same song, third verse. He calls the wise men; and they hadn’t helped him before, I don’t know why he thinks they’re going to help him now. Verse 6, “So I gave orders to bring into my presence all the wise men of Babylon, that they might make known to me the interpretation of the dream.” I don’t know why they called them wise men. “Then the magicians, the conjurers, the Chaldeans, and the diviners came in, and I related the dream to them; but they could not make its interpretation known to me.”

Now, he tries the same thing that he did years earlier in his life: he calls those same guys in. You know, it’s funny. We know that Daniel must have gotten that call. Go back to chapter 2:48, remember something, don’t forget this: “Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over the [Who?] wise men of Babylon.” So you know if called for the wise men, this time he didn’t just call for the wise men, he must have gone to Daniel. And isn’t it interesting at this particular point, Daniel did not respond. He just, I guess, relayed the message to the other wise men and they went in and they tried their best to interpret that dream.

Now you wonder why Daniel didn’t go in. Well, we pick it up in verse 8, “But finally Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar according to the name of my god.” According to the name of who? Go back there and read that again. According to the name of what? “My god.” Who’s telling this story right now? Nebuchadnezzar. Wait a minute, whoa! This guy is telling his testimony. Something has happened in this dude’s life. “My god!” What do you mean? Awhile ago he was “a god” and now he’s “my god.” What a difference that has come: “in the name of my god, and in whom is a spirit of the holy gods, and I related the dream to him.” And he tells him the dream. And again I want to ask the question, why did Daniel take so long to come in?

We don’t know all the answers, but my personal feeling is that Daniel probably had watched this king go from one prideful act to another. Over these years he’d watched what was happening, and I think old Daniel just sat back and said, “Well, it won’t be long now. Let’s just wait it out for a little bit.” And finally he has that dream and he calls Daniel. Daniel says, “Now it’s time. Now before I go in, let’s let him try his wise men for a while and see if they can do it. Let’s get them out of the way. Because I believe God has a message for this king.” And finally Daniel comes in.

And you know, wives, you may have a husband that you feel like that sometimes is a little proud and arrogant and won’t get in the Word of God. Will you quit trying to get in God’s way and help God out? Just hang on. You just trust the fact that God’s going to humble your husband and He’s capable of humbling anybody who walks in pride. You just wait. You don’t have to do the work for Him. You know, sometimes we want to help God out and that’s not what it’s all about. Just wait. In His time, in His own way, God will take that man down. Whatever response the man has, that’s between him and God. But I guarantee you God will humble those who walk in pride.

That’s what I’ve loved about my wife all these years. She’s been really quiet and carried a big stick. The big stick is the fact that she knows that God can handle me. And it’s amazing. Sometimes I’m about to do the dumbest things and I think I’m so right and I just have to prove it to her by telling her how smart that I am. And she’ll just get real quiet and just look at me. It’s kind of like she’s saying, “Well, go ahead. Help yourself. If you’re dumb enough to do it, I’m dumb enough to let you do it. I’m just going to watch God bring you down. If you won’t listen, then you just let the Lord do it.”

It’s fun to be broken, isn’t it? I hear some of these people pray, “Oh God, break me!” Dumb, man, dumb! Do you understand what you’re praying? Listen, we don’t get away with it, folks. If you’re a believer particularly, remember this is a pagan king; remember the difference and how to God, it doesn’t matter really, as far as this story goes. But if we’re Christians particularly, we know God is not going to let us get away with living for ourselves. With that big number one, you watch it. God is able to humble those who walk in pride.

Well, so the first part of the story then, verses 1-8, basically, is the delusion of Nebuchadnezzar’s pride. He’s trying to tell you he’s deluded. “I thought everything was fine. I’m at my ease; I’m flourishing at my palace. I looked around and I couldn’t see anything better. Look what I have done. And the people are at peace and everything is wonderful.” There’s a problems though. He’s looking at himself and he’s not looking to give honor and glory to the Lord.

The difficulty of his dream

So the second part of the story that’s probably all we’ll get to today, is the difficulty now that he had with his dream. Why was this dream so hard to interpret? What was in the dream that so threw him that he had to go get his wise men to come in and answer it for him? Well, we start see that in verse 9. “O Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians,” this is Nebuchadnezzar talking now, and Belteshazzar is another name for Daniel, “since I know that a spirit of the holy gods is in you and no mystery baffles you, tell me the visions of my dream which I have seen along with its interpretation.”

Now, here’s the dream that he had and it really shook him. Listen to what it says. Verse 10, “Now these were the visions in my mind as I lay on my bed: I was looking, and behold, there was a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height was great.” Now you already begin to see a little bit of pride in this dream, as he dreams about this tree. Remember the statue in chapter 2, 90 feet tall, nine feet wide. The height of the tree was great and you get the picture that this is the only tree around. The whole earth could look at it. He was dreaming about a beautiful tree that everybody could look at. Not only that, look at verse 11: “The tree grew large and became strong, and its height reached to the sky, and it was visible to the end of the whole earth. Its foliage was beautiful and its fruit abundant, and in it was food for all. The beasts of the field found shade under it, and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches, and all living creatures fed themselves from it.”

So he dreams of this marvelous, beautiful tree that the whole world could look at. And it’s a tall tree, a great tree, and it has fruit and it has shade and even animals and man can all feast under it and they can get shade from it. Verse 13, “I was looking in the visions in my mind as I lay on my bed, and behold,” and here comes the difficulty. I think up to verse 12 there is no difficulty because Nebuchadnezzar probably could say, “My kingdom is that tree. I’m the tree. Boy, everybody benefits from me.” Well, here comes the difficulty, “I was looking in the visions in my mind as I lay on my bed, and behold, and angelic watcher [basically, the word phrasing there really is an angel of some kind], a holy one, descended from heaven.”

Now here’s what he does. This is the difficulty of this whole thing: “He shouted out and spoke as follows.” Now notice his instructions, very explicit” “Chop down the tree.” Now up till this point it’s been fun. Great tree, wonderful tree—chop it down! What do you mean chop it down? “Chop down the tree and cut off its branches, strip off its foliage and scatter its fruit [not only that]; let the beasts flee from under it, and the birds from its branches.”

Now that will pop your balloon real quick! You’re lying there dreaming about this gorgeous tree that nobody can miss looking at and how it feeds the animals and feeds the people, and all of a sudden there’s an interrupter in that dream and an angel comes in and says to cut that sucker down and cut off its branches and strip it of its leaves. And all of a sudden he’s confused. What is he saying? Look at verse 15, this is even more difficult: “Yet leave the stump with its roots in the ground.” Now, you know if its roots are in the ground then the tree is still what? It’s still alive. He didn’t say rip it up by the roots, he didn’t say completely destroy the tree. He said to cut it down but leave the stump and leave the roots in the ground. Now watch this, “But with a band of iron and bronze around it.”

Now a band there can be translated “fence.” In other words, put something to protect that stump because there’s going to be something to take care of it later on. Make sure you don’t kill the tree. Cut it down, leave the stump and put a fence around it to protect it. What in the world is going on? Well, he goes on to say, “In the new grass of the field.” And then watch what his dream does. Watch the change in the pronoun there. “And let him.” Now this is probably when he began to be fearful in his dream as he’s recounting it now to Daniel. “Let him? Oh, no, he’s talking about me again.” Here we go, “let him be drenched with the dew of heaven.” Now we know what’s going to take care of the stump, but what about him? “And let him share with the beasts in the grass of the earth. Let his mind be changed from that of a man, and let a beast’s mind be given to him, and let seven periods of time pass over him.” Good night!

Now we’ve seen what’s going to happen to the tree and that was disturbing enough, but now it’s personal. Let him; let his mind be taken away, given an animal’s mind and to eat and to live like an animal, and for how long? For seven periods of time! Look in 7:25. And boy, when we get to chapter 7, look out! Let me show you the word for “time” and what it means there. We think it means a year, so it would be seven years. Verse 25 of Daniel 7, “And he will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law,” in other words, he’ll be lawless, whoever this “him” is, “and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.” That’s three and a half years. And so we think then, because of that verse and what he’s saying here is that for seven years something is going to happen to the “him” in verse 16. And this is what’s making Nebuchadnezzar very fearful because he’s got a sneaking suspension that he knows who the “him” is. He knows who he’s talking about.

And so, buddy, he goes to the wise men, he gets Daniel in there. He wants to know what God is saying to him. Well, verse 17 says, “This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers.” Now here is the reasoning for why the angel said what he said, “and the decision is a command of the holy ones [“To” the holy ones, actually] in order that the living may know that the Most High.” Now, the “Most High.” Does that ring a bell with anybody? The Most High? That’s one of the most tremendous names used in the Old Testament to refer to God. In Genesis 14:18-22 the Most High refers to the fact He possesses heaven, He possesses earth. In 2 Samuel 22:14-15 it says that “He rules over the storm, the wind, the thunder, and the lightening.” And in Psalms 47:2 it says that “the Most High is to be feared [now watch this] as the great king over all the earth.” That’s who the Most High is.

Nebuchadnezzar thinks he’s the king over all the earth. No! The Most High is the king over all the earth, and in his dream they tell him why this decision was made: That “the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind [and look what he says] and bestows it on whom He wishes.” Oh, if we could understand this. What it’s saying is that He acts like a superintendent over the elections of men to the offices that man has come up with. And we think we’re the ones who control that. No, sir! God controls that. And Nebuchadnezzar just would not agree to that.

I imagine right now if you sat down with the kings of the kingdoms of this world, sometimes I wonder if they would understand that you don’t get there by yourself. God’s up to something and you’re only there because God put you there. When Jesus stood before Pilate before the crucifixion, Pilate was talking about, “don’t you know the power that I have?” And, boy, Jesus turned that right back on him and said, “Buddy, you have no power except that My Father in heaven has given it unto you. You can do nothing that My Father does not let you do.” Boy, this is such a beautiful picture of the sovereign control that God has in our life, in our country, in our nation, in our family, it is God who is in control and God hates people that take credit for themselves! He hates pride. And that’s what this dream is all about.

He will never let you and me get to the point that we take the credit for what we’re doing. Brother, He wants all glory to be given back unto Him. And it even tells of the favorite ones that God would choose. Obviously through history we see that He’s chosen some interesting people. But He says, “and He sets over it the lowliest of men.” And that word “lowliest” there means the humble, the ones that are meek, the ones that are low. Basically, the people that God chooses and loves to choose, rather, would be the people of lowly minds, people of humble minds. And evidently what He’s saying here is that “Nebuchadnezzar, you don’t qualify. You don’t qualify. You’re too big for your britches and it’s time I took you down.”

Now, I don’t know how many of you can come back next Sunday. Let me give you a preview. What he’s talking about here is that the tree is the kingdom of Babylon and the kingdom that Nebuchadnezzar is enjoying. He says, “cut it down.” And what he’s going to do is he’s going to take the kingdom and he’s going to protect it. It’s going to be there for seven years; it’s not going to be ripped away from Nebuchadnezzar, but God’s got a job to do on the king. He takes care of the kingdom and He gives him some kind of a mental disorder where for seven years this great king who sat in his hammock saying, “I’m at ease, flourishing in my kingdom,” He puts him and makes him live like an animal. They have traced a certain mental disorder all the way back to his days and they say that if that’s what He gave him, and we don’t know, if it is, you can relate to one another. In other words, I can look down here and I can know people and I can know everything around me, the problem is I don’t react properly and I want to live out in the grass. I want to eat grass like cows would eat it. I want to live out in the open under the rain and wake up in the morning with the dew all over me.

And for seven years God takes Nebuchadnezzar down and it’s after that experience that we’re seeing chapter 4. And it’s interesting now it’s “my god” and now it’s, “I want to tell you of the wonderful thing God has done in my life.” Oh, dear Lord, give me a testimony. “Okay! I’ll give you one.” And BOOM, brings you down. Business falls apart, everything goes away. Bank accounts bankrupt, all of a sudden the problems in your family, your kids are going every which direction. “God, where are you?” Seven years like an animal! And God says, “Now, you ready? You give?” Do you remember that little game you used to play when you were growing up and when you’d get somebody down you’d say, “Alright! Cry uncle, uncle!” “No, I won’t do it!” And finally you get to a point where it hurts so bad you say, “Alright, I give, I give, I give. Uncle, uncle, uncle!” And you let them loose. Kind of like that with Nebuchadnezzar.

Seven years it took for that man to be broken down. But, buddy, when he came out of it he sang a different tune. “Ah, you don’t scare me preacher.” I’m not trying to scare you. It scares me. I’m not trying to scare you. But I want to tell you something. If you’re living for yourself and you’re not honoring God to be God in your life, you write it down: your days are numbered. There’s a dead end street called pride and you’re going to deal with the Lord face to face somewhere. He’s going to bring you down, friend. He’s going to bring you down.

Well, that’s basically as far as I want to go this time, because I don’t want to get us into what we’re going to deal with the next time. We don’t have time. But let me just talk with you a little bit as we close the message about pride. The book of Proverbs says that pride goes before a fall. I know that’s what is says. I was out in Colorado one year skiing and we had an evangelist with us and I was about to go over the lift there and go down the run and he says, “Wayne, remember one verse: “Pride goeth before a fall.” Boy, he was right, you know? You think you can do it and watch. I fell all the way down to the bottom. Pride goes before a fall.

And James said that God resists the proud. The word “resists” means that He literally takes His place in front of him and works against him. He resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. Boy, I’m telling you, sometimes I want to go home and crawl into a closet somewhere and say, “Alright, alright!” The essence of pride is “I will, I can, and I did.”

Years ago when I was in college the cheers were different. They’ve changed them now; I can’t understand them anymore. Back when I was going to college it was “rah, rah” type of stuff. I remember when we’d go for a jump ball and I’d go out as center against a guy who was 7’4”, and listen to the cheer. As I walk out on the floor, his chin is above my head. He’s 7’4” and I’m the tallest guy we have. And everybody starts laughing. I laughed, the referees laughed. What am I doing out here? I looked like a little short fat guy. I walked out to the jump ball and I remember the cheerleaders as I walk out on the home court there, place is packed out there. I walk out to start center and here’s the cheerleaders: “You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can! You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can.” Dumb, man! I could not! Some stupid cheerleader thought I could do it. Made me think I could do and I jumped up and friends, my hand didn’t get above his head.

And you know, that attitude that’s built into us, we can do it. The worst people to deal with in this world are athletes because they think they can. They still think they can. Somehow somebody suckered them into this world mentality and they still think they can. Walk into a room and they have a big sign: “When the going gets tough the tough get going.” Baloney! We can do it. And that’s the essence of pride, folks. And until we come to grips with the fact: no we can’t, but we have a God who can. Then we’re going to start seeing some things a little differently.

Nebuchadnezzar was really sold on himself. Looked in the mirror every morning and sang “how great thou art”. And God said, “I’m sick of you.” Boom! Took him down. Friend, you’re skeptical tonight. You don’t believe me. Well, just remember that we’re around here to help pick up the pieces. If you keep on living in your pride, God’s going to bring you down because, buddy, it is God who is in control, not man.

There was an interesting television personality that was in our area recently and he came pompously to an area and spoke to a particular group. And I liked what one of the people responded back to him. He was a student in that particular place and they asked him what he thought about this particular individual who had spoken. He said, “Well, before he came I heard he was rewriting the Ten Commandments. Somebody told me he was smarter than God.” And the individual, friend, has said it almost exactly that way. And all I can do is cringe. My God is able to humble a man who walks in pride.

Turn on Johnny Carson; turn on some of these people. Turn on ABC, turn them all on. Friend, any time you ever hear anything that makes it sound like a man’s doing anything, cringe. Our God’s watching and, buddy, there’s going to come a day that this whole earth is going to be down on their knees and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. If He doesn’t bring you down in this life, buddy, you will come down. I’d rather be brought down now than wait until it is too late. Our God is in control. God hates pride and He’s able to humble those who walk in it. And I’m not here to point a finger, buddy, I may be next.

Read Part 12

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