World Religions

Learn what other religions believe about God, Jesus, salvation in Christ, and other doctrines so you can more effectively witness to them.

What Do Muslims Believe?/Program 3

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2003 What Do Muslims Believe About Allah? Contents 1 Introduction Introduction What evidence could cause devout Muslims today to leave Islam and embrace…

What Do Muslims Believe?/Program 2

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2003 What are the five pillars of Islam that are the basis of all Islamic law and belief? And what are Muslims taught…

What Do Muslims Believe?/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2003 What caused the Caners, devout Muslims, to turn away from Allah and place their faith in Jesus Christ as God. Contents 1…

Has the Watchtower Ever Lied, Covered Up, or Changed Important Doctrines, Dates, and Biblical Interpretations?/Program 4

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Lorrie MacGregor; ©1989 The Jehovah’s Witness’ claim that they are the only true religion on earth today. All others are false. Their translation of the Bible called the New…

Has the Watchtower Ever Lied, Covered Up, or Changed Important Doctrines, Dates, and Biblical Interpretations?/Program 6

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Lorrie MacGregor; ©1989 Predictions, the false prophecies that have been made by the Watchtower Society through the years. Now, are they true or are they false? Has the Watchtower…

Islam and Jihad/Program 3

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Emir Caner; ©2009 In this session, we’ll hear how many modern Muslim terrorists justify their acts using the writings of the Qur’an and Hadith. Some studies suggest 10…

Why Sharia Law Threatens Freedom and Human Rights?/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

Ed. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, footnoted Qur’an quotes are from the Yusef Ali transition, and Hadith quotes are from Bukhari’s Hadith. By: Dr. Ergun Caner, Dr. Emir Caner; ©2013 Sharia…

Islam and Jihad/Program 1

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Emir Caner; ©2009 In this session, we will learn how jihad is understood in Islam and its implications for our lives and Muslims with whom we desire to…

Islam and Jihad/Program 4

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Emir Caner; ©2009 Dr. Caner shares how he personally turned from his Muslim upbringing to following Christ, later becoming the president of a Christian university. What were the…

Christianity and the Masonic Lodge: Are They Compatible? – Program 5

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 27, 2013

By: Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Is there a deeper meaning behind Masonic rituals? Is there anything in the rituals that should concern Christians? Are the Masonic Rituals Purely…

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