World Religions

Learn what other religions believe about God, Jesus, salvation in Christ, and other doctrines so you can more effectively witness to them.

What Is the Unique Role of Mary in Roman Catholicism and Is It Biblical?-Part 2

By The John Ankerberg Show | August 1, 2005

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2005 Does Mary have a unique and vital role in salvation? Does she, in fact, work hand-in-hand with her Son to insure salvation?…

Christianity vs. Islam Chart

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 6, 2000

By: Ergun Caner; ©2000 A comparison chart of Christianity and Islam. Used with permission   C-1: JEHOVAH GOD VERSUS ALLAH THE NATURE OF GOD CHRISTIANITY: Jehovah ISLAM: Allah Does…

What You Need to Know When Jehovah’s Witnesses Come Knocking at Your Door

By The John Ankerberg Show | September 9, 1991

By: Joan Cetnar, Bill Cetnar; ©1991 What does the Bible say about Jehovah? When Jehovah’s Witnesses use the name Jehovah, do they mean the same thing? What about Jesus? What…

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