Exploring Lost
$3.00 – $7.00
What is the cultural impact of LOST? Is LOST a Christian show? What does LOST say about God and the Bible? Discover some of the numerous biblical allusions and names featured in the series (including Moses, Jacob, and even Jesus!) Why does LOST devote an entire episode to baptism and building a church? What is the story behind the Jesus stick? How could I use LOST to talk to a friend or to motivate me to grow in my relationship with Christ? Part 2: Discover quotes and allusions to more than 12 different faith systems in LOST. How well does LOST represent other religious groups? What are the top religions featured in LOST? What is the significance of numbers in LOST? Does LOST promote the view that all religions lead essentially to the same place? How could I use LOST to share my faith with someone of a different faith?