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Protestants and Catholics. Do They Now Agree?




Catholics and Protestants have historically worked together to overcome social issues such as pornography and abortion, and to preserve religious freedoms. But are those areas of common values enough to overcome their historic differences? How do issues such as justification by faith alone affect the relationship between these two groups? Is this an issue where compromise is possible, or must each group stand firmly on their different views?

This is a revised version of a John Ankerberg Show Classic Series featuring Dr. John MacArthur, the late Dr. R. C. Sproul, and  Dr. D. James Kennedy discuss the background and purpose of the “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” document, a 1994 ecumenical document signed by leading Evangelical and Catholic scholars in the United States. But did this accord represent progress, or are the essentials of the gospel being relegated to secondary status? Is the spirit of the Reformation quite dead? Dr. Ankerberg shares this panel of renowned guests on a topic he still believes relevant today.  

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