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The Evidence from Astronomy that Points to an All Powerful Creator - Package

The Evidence from Astronomy that Points to an All Powerful Creator 2 DVD’s and book – Package Offer




Dr. Hugh Ross is a Christian astrophysicist who has spent his life studying the universe, astronomy, and seeking to understand God’s creation.

By the age of 16, he realized there was clear evidence that the universe had a beginning. He realized that if there was a beginning, there must have been a Beginner. So he began his search for the “who” and the “how”.

Dr. Ross explains in this two-part series that God has given us two books: the book of nature–what we can find out about Him from what He has created–and the book of Scripture, God’s written record of all He wants us to know. Do they agree? What does each tell us about God? Dr. Ross and Dr. Ankerberg break down the information so that it is accessible and easy to understand.

This package includes:

The Evidence from Astronomy that Points to an All Powerful Creator – Part 1 (DVD)

The Evidence from Astronomy that Points to an All Powerful Creator – Part 2 (DVD)

The Creator and the Cosmos (Book)


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Weight 0.014625 oz
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