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Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?




This classic series was produced in 1985 and features guests Dr. Norman Geisler and Rabbi Harold Kushner presenting a compassionate examination of the problem of suffering and evil, but from differing theological perspectives.

They tackle difficult questions and circumstances in this 6 part series, such as the death of a child, natural disasters, illnesses, and suffering. Where is God through it all, and what role does He play? By what rules is He running the game of life? Is He free or is He handcuffed by His own universe? Is He working out a plan or is He so limited that He can’t intervene in the affairs of life? Does it do any good to pray? Do we have any authoritative information from God about God, or must we settle for our own limited conclusions?

At the beginning of the series, Dr. Ankerberg says, “Our purpose tonight – I’m sure all of us here – is to have a discussion that will give information that will help people that are hurting.”

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