JA Show Staff

Why Americans Attend Church: Data and Discussion

By JA Show Staff / August 3, 2018

A Pew Research study released this week noted the top reasons Americans attend church worship services. The most common answers include: 81% attend to become closer to God 69% attend…

4 Keys to Overcoming Temptation

By JA Show Staff / July 25, 2018

Let’s face it—we all encounter temptation. Even Jesus dealt with direct temptation from Satan. Temptation clearly exists, but how do we overcome it? In Matthew 4, Jesus defeated three specific…

4 Habits of Highly Effective Followers of Christ

By JA Show Staff / July 13, 2018

Do you ever feel ineffective in your walk with God? If we’re honest, we’ve all encountered feelings of inadequacy in our attempts to live for Christ. What does Scripture share…

Why We Can Still Say “The Bible Says”

By JA Show Staff / July 6, 2018

A popular pastor has made national headlines for his comment that he no longer says, “The Bible says…” when preaching. While the pastor argues he still believes the Bible is…

The Great Commission for the Rest of Us

By JA Show Staff / June 25, 2018

Half of American Christians don’t even know what the Great Commission is according to a recent Barna study. Among the half who do, many view it as something for missionaries…

How to Pray for Your Unsaved Friends and Family Members

By JA Show Staff / June 25, 2018

How can we best pray for God to save our friends and family members who do not know Jesus? Only Jesus can change someone’s heart, but our prayers are a…

7 Ways to Follow the Great Commission from Home

By JA Show Staff / June 25, 2018

The Great Commission sounds great, but how does it work if we don’t move to the other side of the planet as a missionary? If every person who follows Jesus…

This Father’s Day, Say Thanks

By JA Show Staff / June 14, 2018

18 years ago, my father passed away after a long bout with cancer. He was 49 years old. When people talk about finding the cure for cancer, many think about…

4 Reasons Church Still Matters

By JA Show Staff / June 8, 2018

A local church sign read: “Don’t give up on life. Let our church help.” The church clearly meant to let its people help those who are struggling. Others humorously saw…

Getting Your Values Straight

By JA Show Staff / May 29, 2018

I was shocked and appalled to read some time ago an account of a murder which took place in Atlanta. The murderer stated that he killed the man in the…