By: Sandra Tanner; ©2012 In order to understand the LDS doctrine regarding Lucifer one must also understand its doctrine of man. The LDS Church teaches that everyone, Jesus and Lucifer…
By: Sandra Tanner; ©2012 The Bible never says to test a prophet by prayer, but by his message. Deuteronomy 13 warns that a prophet must teach correctly about God. Frequently…
By: Sandra Tanner; ©2012 While Christians view the Bible as the final authority on doctrinal matters, the LDS Church holds that their other books of scripture and their prophets are…
By: Darrell Boan; ©2010 Mormonism is founded upon the belief that it is not simply a Christian denomination, but is, rather, the restoration of true Christianity. In its short 180…
By: Dr. Ted Baehr; ©2004 With the third movie coming out June 4, a new wave of interest in Harry Potter is rising. Read MovieGuide’s review of the movie, then…
By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2013 Professor Greg Boyd’s view is part of a broader movement called “Free Will Theism” or the “Openness View of God,” a position embraced by some…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2005 Critics say there is no historical evidence to support the census mentioned by Luke in Luke 2. Dr. Ankerberg disagrees, and presents his case in…
It’s hard to overestimate the impact of Edgar Cayce. Cayce (1877-1945), widely known as “the sleeping prophet,” was actually a “sleeping medium,” probably the most prominent psychic of the 20th…
Before we begin, we must state a few crucial foundational truths that cannot be argued here and thus must be assumed for the purposes of this article. But they are…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2013 Dr. John Ankerberg takes a closer look at the recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings concerning same-sex marriage. The recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings regarding two…