By: Dr. John Weldon; ©2011 The Bible has a great deal to say about finances, money and debt. From “How to Survive the Coming Economic Meltdown: Modern Slavery and Global…
By: Dr. John G. Weldon; ©2011 The “occupy Wall Street” protests are not unique to America but are part of a larger global phenomena of social unrest which we…
How Might Presidential Candidates Romney and Huntsman Answer Herman Cain’s Questions about Mormonism
By: John G. Weldon, PhD; ©2011 In truth, it’s not just Southerners but Americans nationwide who aren’t certain about Mormon beliefs. In many ways, this is yet true for many…
By: John G. Weldon; ©February 19,2011 The good news is that it is easy to avoid hell forever and receive the eternal bliss, joy, adventure, and ecstasy known as heaven,…
By: John G. Weldon; ©February 19,2011 Hell is eternal because sin, though finite by itself, is primarily committed against an infinite God; the punishment must therefore also be infinite. Previous…
By: John G. Weldon; ©February 19,2011 If we know only a fraction of a nano-fraction of everything in this finite world, how can we ever know the glorious character of…
By: John G Weldon, PhD; ©2011 Switching to the modern era, the radical Islamist Iranian Revolution of 1979 changed matters drastically and put in motion a number of factors that…
By: John G Weldon, PhD; ©2011 A number of commentaries have pointed out that collectively, the specific nations listed in this Psalm as seeking to destroy Israel have never yet…
By: John G Weldon, PhD; ©2011 Will there be a nuclear exchange? Table of Contents The Ezekiel 38/Psalm 83 Prophecies: Russia, Iran and Muslim Nations in Biblical Prophecy A Nuclear…
By: John G Weldon, PhD; ©2011 Most prophecy experts confirm this general picture of Russia and a coalition of Muslim nations. Consider a few examples that we cite below and…