By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 We are examining the religious teachings of Masonry and comparing them with the teachings of the Bible. The Masonic Lodge teaches that…
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 Garner Ted Armstrong put it this way: “Does it make sense to you that a little Chinese girl, age 3 ½, sweet little innocent baby, is…
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 There are a number of striking cases where the Bible has been directly confirmed by archaeology. In this article the authors list 25 examples as they…
According to 1 Corinthians 15, “the last trump” will be sounded and then, according to Matthew 24, there will be the sound of a great trumpet when the Lord Jesus…
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 Critics have a problem: any time archaeology does not directly confirm something the Bible teaches, the tendency is to allege an error in the text. On…
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 What about those who have never heard the Gospel, or those very religious pagans who have sincerely worshipped their own gods all of their life? Will…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg; ©2006 The recent arrest of John Mark Karr in connection with the death of JonBenet Ramsey has brought the issue of sexual perversion and addiction to…
By: Dr. Steven Riser; ©2006 How should we regard our privilege and shape our responsibilities as members of Christ’s church? Contents 1 If I Were a Church Member 1.1 Introduction:…
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 Garner Ted Armstrong put it this way: “Does it make sense to you that a little Chinese girl, age 3 ½, sweet little innocent baby, is…
By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 What role does politics play in the interpretation of archaeological data? The authors illustrate the problems, as seen in the finds at Ebla. Contents 1 Biblical…