By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Those who search for mineral and energy wealth in Israel sometimes quote Bible passages such as Genesis 49:25, where Jacob, at the end of his life,…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Two major water bodies in Israel, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, have the lowest elevations of any water bodies on earth. Lake Tiberias,…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Our March Israel visit helped focus our attention on water. We sailed on the Sea of Galilee. We swam in the Dead Sea. But we also…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Still enjoying the glow of memories from our travels in Israel and Jordan, it is time for retrospection. For many years my brother guided groups of…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 During March, your science blogger travels on tour to Israel. This is a “first” for my wife and me. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, frequent guest on The…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 everal years ago my wife and I were privileged to lead Focus on the Family’s worldview lesson series The Truth Project. In lesson 1 the participants…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 The term wisdom is used more frequently in the book of I Corinthians than in any other New Testament book. The contrast between man’s wisdom and…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Many listeners were enlightened by the recent programs featuring astrophysicist/theologian Dr. Hugh Ross. One recent letter to the John Ankerberg Show expressed the essence of concerns…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 Spotted on the “Faith and Values” page of our local newspaper the weekend before Darwin Day: “A celebration of the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin will…
By: Jim Virkler; ©2009 We will respond on this blog to questions and comments related to science and faith, especially those inspired by Dr. Ankerberg’s current and past programs on…