Dr. Renald Showers

Who is the Antichrist? Part 5 – His Downfall

By Dr. Renald Showers / January 11, 2024

How will the Antichrist downfall occur? And it’s my understanding that at this point that the world will come to the exact middle of the seven-year tribulation period and it’s…

Who is the Antichrist? Part 4 – His military career

By Dr. Renald Showers / December 20, 2023

What is the Antichrist military connection? But when we come to verses 40 through 45 of Daniel 11, we have the military career of the Antichrist being revealed. Verse 40…

future Antichrist

Who is the Antichrist? Part 3 – The character of the Antichrist

By Dr. Renald Showers / December 4, 2023

We’ve been talking about the future Antichrist and we’ve seen on the basis of Daniel 7 that he will rise to power from within the future revived Roman Empire. There’s…

Who is the Antichrist? Part 2 – War against God’s saints and His laws

By Dr. Renald Showers / November 29, 2023

Who is the Antichrist? And so, in light of that, when we come back to Daniel 7:25, the next thing the angel said this man will do is this: “He…

Who is the Antichrist? Part 1 – Proclaims himself to be God

By Dr. Renald Showers / November 15, 2023

Who is the Antichrist? In Daniel 7, we read of a prophetic vision God gave to Daniel in which the Lord was indicating that sometime in the future there would…

Why has God Scheduled Future Events for Planet Earth? – Part 3

By Dr. Renald Showers / September 26, 2023

[From Part 2] God’s purpose for history and therefore the ultimate purpose is to glorify Himself by demonstrating the fact that He alone is the sovereign God of this universe.…

Why has God Scheduled Future Events for Planet Earth? – Part 2

By Dr. Renald Showers / September 19, 2023

[From Part 1] Now, if we are to understand the purpose of future events, we have to note several tragic consequences of man joining Satan’s rebellion against God. The first…

Why has God Scheduled Future Events for Planet Earth? – Part 1

By Dr. Renald Showers / September 6, 2023

Why has God scheduled future events for planet earth? Why will there be a seven-year period of tribulation, followed by the second coming of the Lord Jesus back to this…