Discipleship Archive

Actions Speak Louder With Words

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

  Introduction: The Relationship of Actions and Words Intimidated? Uncomfortable? Fearful? That’s how many sincere Christians feel when asked to share their faith. The problem in many cases is not…

Famines, Deserts, and Other Hard Places/Part 7

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2012 We’ve talked about the famines, the deserts, the economic downturn, what people have had to experience in life when times get hard, but today we…

The Great Pretender! (The Anatomy of Hypocrisy)

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

  Next to the problem of evil, the problem of hypocrisy is the most common reason for unbelievers to reject the Christian faith. Where do we begin to under­stand the…

Is the One True Church Roman Catholicism?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

Is the One True Church Roman Catholic?  Is there only one true church? And if there is, can we identify it? Does it have marks by which it can be…

Famines, Deserts, and Other Hard Places/Part 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2012 What happens when the difficulties really come and when the fruits of secularism begin to have their full impact? What then? Contents 1 We Have…

Famines, Deserts, and Other Hard Places/Part 4

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2012 The purpose of this series of messages is to prepare us for hard times, but some are already there. In the next two messages I…

Famines, Deserts, and Other Hard Places/Part 6

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2012 What would it take for you to deny your faith in Jesus Christ? At what point would your faith break and you’d say, “I can’t…

Famines, Deserts, and Other Hard Places/Part 5

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

By: Dr. Erwin Lutzer; ©2012 Today what I’m going to do is to speak about the time when all the toys will go back into the box, when there’s not…

12 Principles for Personal Progress

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 27, 2013

  12 Principles for Personal Progress A purpose driven life is one that is centered on God’s wise and loving principles. As we begin a new year we all want…

How Do I Wait Patiently For the Lord?

By The John Ankerberg Show / September 25, 2013

How Do I Wait Patiently For the Lord? Question: I have enjoyed reading through the Psalms until I came across Psalm 40:1, which reads: “I waited patiently for the Lord,…

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