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Lucifer Rising- Part 1

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 10, 2001

By: Carl Teichrib; ©2001 To Christians “Lucifer” is another name by which we know Satan. To the New Ager, though, Lucifer is “an agent of intellectual and spiritual freedom.” Carl…

“Weep…for Yourselves ”

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Why would Jesus tell the “daughters of Jerusalem” to weep for themselves? Rev. Harris explores the deeper meanings and present-day implications in these words of…

Control of My Thoughts

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Do you put on a good Christian face outwardly, but struggle with your thoughts? You are not alone. Rev. Harris explains what the Bible says…

What is the Mission of the Church

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 In response to a question regarding missions emphasis, Rev. Harris outlines Acts 14:21-23 to find the three-fold task of the Christian Church. What Is the…

Learning to Trust in Jesus

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Do you find it hard to trust Jesus and His Word? Rev. Harris tackles this question using the example of the nobleman in John 4:46-54.…

Are You an Example to Those Who Believe

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Paul told Timothy to “be an example to those who believe.” Rev. Harris suggests some tools to help us work that out practically in our…

Accepted by God

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 How can you know whether you have been accepted by God? Rev. Harris gives Scripture to help you know for sure. Accepted by God Question:…

A Parable of Two Sons

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Rev. Sam Harris explains how the parable of the two sons found in Matthew 21:28-32 relates to us and to our relationship with God. A…

What are “The Seven Spirits of God”

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 9, 2001

By: Rev. Sam Harris; ©2001 Revelation 5:6 speaks of a Lamb standing…with seven horns and seven eyes which are “the seven Spirits of God.” What, exactly, is that talking about?…

The Dangers of Astrology – Fear and Bondage

By The John Ankerberg Show / August 7, 2001

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2001 As we conclude this extended look at astrology the authors point out more of the dangers faced by those who put their…

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