By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2008 Step by Step Through the Book of Revelation. – Question and Answer Bonus Material Today one out of every four Christian adults believes Jesus could…
By: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung; ©2007 One of the major trends for the last days is a coalition of nations that will come against Israel. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung describes those nations…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2006 Some claim that the great multitude from every tongue, tribe and nation whom John sees in Heaven are the Church. Dr. Showers explains why he…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2006 Since similar cosmological signs are found in both Revelation and in Matthew 24, does this indicate the Second Coming of Christ and the Day of…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2006 In Malachi 4:5 God said, “And behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the…
According to 1 Corinthians 15, “the last trump” will be sounded and then, according to Matthew 24, there will be the sound of a great trumpet when the Lord Jesus…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2004 Dr. Showers explains this phrase from 1 Thessalonians 1:10, and examines what Christians need to know about it. Contents 1 What is “The Wrath…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2004 Are the Rapture and the Second Coming separate events? Dr. Showers explains why he thinks that’s what the Bible teaches. Contents 1 Does the Bible…
By: Dr. Renald Showers; ©2003 Dr. Showers explores the rise and fall of the postmillennial view of prophecy. Contents The Popularity And Decline of Postmillennialism From the time of its…
By: Dr. Robert Thomas; ©2003 When will Satan be bound? Where will it take place? For how long will he be bound? What is the purpose of this binding? These…