By: Tom Doyle, Kamal Saleem, General William Boykin; ©2013 Dr. Ankerberg continues his important series with Kamal Saleem, Tom Doyle, and retired General William Boykin as they share concerns of…
By: Dave Hunt; ©1991 There are a number of parallels between Mormonism and the Roman Catholic Church. For example, both claim to be the only true church; both are works-oriented;…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Adherents claim Masonry is not a religion, but do they teach a way of salvation in…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Many leaders in Christian churches are also members of the Masonic Lodge. Is there anything in…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Masons claim the Bible is one of their Great Lights, but do they actually follow the…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Masonic sources define their God as a “universal spirit.” But is the God described by Masons…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Masonic candidates swear oaths to guard Masonic secrets. Are those oaths binding? Are they oaths that…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris, Jim Flannagan, Bill Mankin, Dr. Walter Martin; ©1985 Adherents claim Masonry is not a religion, but do they teach a way of salvation in…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris; ©1986 Some Masonic leaders deny that Masonry is a religion. Others admit that it does function as a religion. Looking at the evidence, does…
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Jack Harris; ©1986 Are Masons taught through their funeral ceremony that they can get into heaven on the basis of their conduct and good works? Contents…