
What does living as a “Christ follower” mean for your everyday life?

What the Heavenly Father Says about Fatherhood

By JA Show Staff | June 14, 2019

God is our perfect heavenly Father. His wisdom regarding fatherhood offer tremendous help for today’s fathers. Scripture offers four clear ways fathers impact the lives of their children. Wisdom: A…

The Godly Legacy of a Mother

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | May 9, 2019

A mother’s legacy impacts lives for generations. Though often unnoticed, the everyday, ordinary actions of moms across the world changes the future in profound ways. Scripture also offers numerous examples…

How Do You Praise God in Your Prayers?

By Pastor Rik Cramer | May 6, 2019

I always start my prayers with praising God! Why do I start this way? Because God is worthy to be praised first and foremost for who He is. He is our Creator, He is love, kindness, and He is salvation for the world! He left His throne in heaven, lived a sinless life, and died a horrific death on the cross for me and for you.

How Can I Pray Without Ceasing?

By Pastor Rik Cramer | April 12, 2019

The Bible says to “pray without ceasing.” How can we pray without stopping? I don’t know about you, but early in my walk with God my question was, “How can I pray for five minutes without stopping?”

Should Christians Fast Today?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | April 8, 2019

The ancient practice of fasting has become popular again among many health and wellness leaders. Does the biblical practice of fasting continue to serve a role for believers today? Should Christians fast?

Can I Date a Non-Christian?

By Elizabeth Kloc | March 28, 2019

Questions like these can be difficult to address because they always have so many emotions tied to them. Although the Bible does not directly address the subject of dating, it…

3 Ways to Answer with “Gentleness and Respect”

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | March 11, 2019

1 Peter 3:15 is often noted as the basis for defending the Christian worldview. However, Peter immediately follows this verse with revealing words about the way we defend our faith.…

Is It True That God Will Never Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

By Dr. Dillon Burroughs | February 12, 2019

Many have claimed God will never give us more than we can handle. Is this true? What does the Bible teach regarding this topic?

5 Ways to Start the New Year with God

By JA Show Staff | January 4, 2019

As we begin a new year, how can we better grow in our relationship with God? Scripture offers five ways to help. Prayer James 5:16 teaches, “The prayer of a…

Why Are There So Many Denominations?

By JA Show Staff | January 3, 2019

Thousands of denominations exist today. Why are there so many denominations?

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