Mother’s Day 7 Days of Prayer: Day 3



You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3)

For Mom:

Father, I pray today that my mother will keep her thoughts fixed on You. Thank you that you have promised her that you will keep her in perfect peace. Your peace is not a temporal peace or a peace based on circumstances but a perfect peace that will rule her heart and mind. I pray she will allow your peace to settle any question or anxiety that arises in her heart and mind. Help her to trust you wholeheartedly today with her children and the many cares of her heart. In Jesus Name, Amen

For Grandmother:

Father, I pray today that my grandmother will keep her thoughts fixed on You. Thank you that you have promised her that you will keep her in perfect peace. I pray her mind will be saturated with your peace today. Thank you for her years of experience of walking in your peace. I pray you will show her today how to display your peace to her children and grandchildren. Help her to trust you wholeheartedly today. In Jesus Name, Amen

For Children and Grandchildren:

Father, I pray today that my children and grandchildren will keep their thoughts fixed on You. I pray they will learn to trust you. Teach them O God that they can trust you to keep them in perfect peace. I pray they will know the difference in peace based on circumstances and true abiding peace found in You. Help them to learn when they feel anxious to look to you first and help them to trust you wholeheartedly. In Jesus Name, Amen

Mother’s Day 7 Days of Prayer:  Daily Index

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