Recent Articles


Prophecies and Probabilities

If specific prophecies were fulfilled by the Messiah, does the science of probability consider this “proof” there is a God? Anyone can make predictions—that is easy. Having them fulfilled is another story. The more statements you make about the future and the greater the detail, the better the chances are that you will be proven…


God Came to Visit Us!

I came across the title phrase recently in a book I am reading. Think about that: God came to visit us! The implications are immense. It’s almost beyond comprehension.  Of course, we have little hints that God has done this kind of thing before.  Take a look at Genesis 3:8: “Then the man and his…


Unto You is Born This Day

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.  But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for…


Christmas Lights

Do you have that one friend or relative who always needs just one—or two or three or…—more strings of lights for the tree? Well, the rest of us may shake our heads in disbelief at some point, but we can’t get away from the fact that Christmas lights on the Christmas tree, or on and…


What Does the Bible Tell us About the Source of Psychic Powers?

It is our conviction that not only the history of parapsychology and the occult, but biblical teaching as well, indicates that human nature is devoid of the supernatural capacities that many psychics and occultists claim. Nowhere in the Bible is man presented as having supernatural powers that originate from his own nature, and so any…


Be Thankful in All Things

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Who is our shepherd? The Lord, the Lord God of Israel. This is the same Lord who came to earth, took on human flesh, and declared, “I am the good shepherd”! What does a good shepherd do?  “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep….…


Where Is God When a Disaster Happens? – Part 3

John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs[1] Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People—and Good Things Happen to Bad People? Philip Yancey, in his book Disappointment with God, provocatively addresses the question of why life appears unfair:  Some Jewish writers, such as Jerzy Kosinski and Elie Wiesel, began with a strong faith in God, but saw…

sufficient grace

Sufficient Grace

There’s a song we often sing at my church that just kind of speaks to me each time. Here’s the part that is playing in my mind this morning: Your grace is all-sufficientIt’s an all-sufficient graceYour power and Your gloryAre forever on displayAnd Your loving kindnessLoving kindnessIs better than life.[1] The thing is, we all…


What is the True Source of Psychic Abilities?

A very common occult practice involves the development of psychic abilities. Yet a great deal of confusion exists as to what psychic abilities are. Are they really latent human powers possessed by everyone? Most people who think so refer to the research of J. B. Rhine and modern parapsychology as having “proven” that psychic powers…


Where Is God When a Disaster Happens? – Part 2

John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs[1] The Persistence of Evil  Another aspect of the problem of evil is its persistence, why does God allow it? Even if He did not produce it, He does permit it. Yet He is also supposed to be all-powerful and could destroy it, so why doesn’t He?  According to philosopher-theologian Dr.…