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El Infierno/Part 3

By: John G. Weldon; ©2011 Si nosotros conocemos solamente una fracción de una nano fracción de todas las cosas en este mundo finito, ¿cómo es que jamás podríamos conocer el glorioso carácter de un Dios infinito—o que no hay infierno entre las profundidades de un universo infinito? Previous Article Si nosotros conocemos solamente una fracción…

Altered States of Consciousness and the New Age Movement

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 By “New Age” altered states of consciousness (ASCs), we mean characteristically pagan and, from our perspective, abnormal states of consciousness, where, due to an occult context, spiritistic influence is often present upon the mind and/or outcome of the experience   Contents 1 Altered States of Consciousness and…

Ephesians – Wayne Barber – Eph 1:7 – Redeemed – How I love to proclaim it

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A Response to Philosophical Postmodernism

By: Dr. Norman Geisler; ©2012 The primary focus of Post-modernism is hermeneutics or how to interpret. The object of interpretation can be history, art, or literature, but deconstructing it is the center of focus. A Brief Background of Postmodernism Premodernism is often thought of as the time before 1650 A.D. The dominant theme was metaphysics…

Does the LDS Church Still Teach That Heavenly Father Was Once a Man

By: Sandra Tanner; ©2012 One of the problems encountered by those wishing to discuss and compare LDS theology with standard Christian theology is determining what constitutes “official” LDS doctrine. Contents 1 QUOTES FROM THE OFFICIAL LDS and 2 JOSEPH SMITH’S TEACHINGS 3 ONE GOD OF THE BIBLE One of the problems encountered by…

Bodywork, Enlightenment and Meditation in the Martial Arts – Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 We briefly the practices of meditation, visualization, and yogic breathing methods as they relate to the martial arts. Bodywork, Enlightenment and Meditation in the Martial Arts – Part 2 Meditation, Visualization, and Breathing In an interview on Larry King Live (August 28, 1991), Kung Fu practitioner and…

Bodywork, Enlightenment and Meditation in the Martial Arts – Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 We briefly examine the premise of mind-body unity and the goal of spiritual transformation, or enlightenment as they relate to the martial arts. Contents 1 Bodywork, Enlightenment and Meditation in the Martial Arts – Part 1 1.1 Mind-body Unity 1.2 Spiritual Transformation and Enlightenment 2 NOTES Bodywork,…

The Scope of Visualization Today

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 The practice of visualization is a directed form of mental imagery and concentration, which is having broad and substantial impact in our culture. It involves the deliberate manipulation of the mind, individually or in conjunction with an assistant, to alter one’s consciousness toward a specific goal.  …

The Worldview Driving Visualization

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2012 Because the practice of visualization can be adapted to almost any philosophy and uniquely colored by it, there is no well-defined worldview we could present that would be comprehensive. But if we restrict our discussion to popular and occult visualization, we can see a broad outline emerging.…

When Angels Deny Biblical Teachings

By: Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr.John Weldon; ©2012 The godly angels never deny the teachings of Jesus Christ or the Bible. Yet the popular angels do this routinely. Some examples are: “God is the totality of your living experience.” “God is life. You and God share the same bed, the same car, the same glass…