Where Does the Masonic Ritual Conflict with the Bible/Part 1
By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2009 The Masonic Lodge teaches that all men including Christians live in spiritual darkness until they enter and become members of the Lodge. Is this biblical? Masons teach and believe in a universal Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. Is this biblical? Contents 1 Introduction 2 The…

Prophets in Mormonism/Part 37
By: Marvin W. Cowan; ©2009 For 148 years, Mormonism taught that black people of African descent were cursed and could not have the LDS priesthood and the mark of that curse was their black skin. Why were black people of that lineage cursed before 1978 while those living after 1978 are not cursed? And why…

Does the Bible Prohibit Public Displays of Charity?
By: ATRI Staff Writer; ©2008 Should Christians feel guilty or self-conscious or confused for doing charity work in a public way? Question: A viewer asks, “What do you think are the most important reasons why a Christian should never feel guilty or self-conscious or confused for doing charity work, even if the charity work simply…