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What Does 1 Corinthians 15 Tell Us About the Rapture? 

What is going to happen when Christians die? Will all Christians die? What about the doctrine of the rapture? I want you to be able to study this yourself and to come to a clear understanding so you can tell your neighbors, and so we’re going to go through it slow.  Let’s turn to a…

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The Judas Syndrome

John 12 tells us the story of Mary who took a jar of expensive perfume, poured it on Jesus’ feet, then wiped His feet with her hair. It’s a beautiful picture, and a fitting tribute to her Savior. But it’s the reaction of Judas that I want to point out to you. “But one of…

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Why is it Important to Study Biblical Prophecy?

I’d like to start by explaining why I think every Christian ought to study Biblical prophecy; it’s not something you should put on the shelf. Here’s the reason: approximately 27% of the entire Bible contains prophetic material. If you were to sort this out,  So, of the Bible’s total 31,624 verses, 8,352 of those verses…

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Just One Little Lie

Poor Joseph. His father, Jacob, sent him to check on his brothers. They responded by grabbing him and throwing him into a well. Later they sold him to the traders. Then the lies began. If you recall the story in Genesis 37, Joseph’s brothers took his fancy multicolored coat, covered it in animal blood, then…


The Apostle Paul Explains the Gospel

Is there any eyewitness testimony that the early Christians saw Jesus alive after He was killed by crucifixion, buried in a tomb, and then arose from the dead and appeared to His disciples? We will begin with the information from the apostle Paul’s own writings in 1 Corinthians 15. These words have become the consensus…


The Hand of God

This morning I was reading Alistair Begg’s book, The Hand of God. The book is based around the story of Joseph found in the book of Genesis. Briefly, Joseph is Jacob’s oldest son with his “favorite” wife, Rachel. He grew up recognizing that he was his father’s favorite. As a result, he grew up being…


The Torn Curtain

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross is a pivotal event in the Christian faith. One of the lesser-known but significant events that occurred at that moment was the tearing of the curtain in the temple. This event is described in the Gospel of Matthew, which states that at the moment Jesus gave up…


Jesus, Our Savior – A Meditation for Easter

As you celebrate Easter this year, here are a few verses to help you focus your mind and heart on the One who is our Savior. Recognize that it was your sin that nailed Jesus to the cross. Recognize that it is His blood that cleanses you from your sin. Recognize that it is Jesus…

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Five Important Facts About Jesus’ Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fundamental doctrine of Christianity. It signifies the ultimate victory of good over evil, and it is the cornerstone of our faith. However, despite its significance, there is still much debate and discussion surrounding this event. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on five important facts…

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The Fruit of the Spirit – Self-control

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). The final fruit of the spirit is self-control. The words here translated self-control combines two Greek words, en, meaning in, and kratos, meaning strength, power, might, or dominion. It implies an inner strength. But we must…