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kindness (1)

The Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness

Kindness is a virtue that we often associate with good deeds and positive actions. It’s a simple act of treating others with respect, empathy, and compassion. But kindness is much more than just a moral principle. It is a spiritual fruit that can transform our lives and the world around us. The fruit of the…

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How Does God Give Purpose to Your Life?

Are you searching for your purpose in life? Do you feel lost or unsure about what direction to take? Finding one’s purpose can be a challenging and complex process, but many believe that God plays a vital role in guiding us towards fulfilling our potential. Whether through religious teachings, personal experiences, or spiritual reflection, many…

patience (1)

The Fruit of the Spirit – Patience

Patience is a virtue that many of us struggle to cultivate in our fast-paced and demanding world. We live in an era of instant gratification, where everything from food to entertainment is available at the touch of a button. As a result, we often find ourselves becoming impatient, easily frustrated, and even angry when things…

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What if God Did Not Exist?

The question “what if God did not exist” has been a topic of philosophical and theological discussions for centuries. It is a question that forces us to contemplate the very essence of our existence and the nature of the universe we inhabit. While some may argue that God’s existence is a fundamental truth, others may…


Christ Among Other gods Infographic

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Is That an Error in the Bible? – Part 3

We conclude our look at mistakes critics make when they look at the Bible. Here’s part 3 of: Is that an error in the Bible? Another mistake: Neglecting to notice that the Bible uses different literary devices. For example, the Bible being a human book speaks in poetry: the book of Job, Psalms are written…

peace (1)

The Fruit of the Spirit – Peace

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). When the apostle Paul mentions “peace” as a fruit of the Spirit, he is not talking about a world where there is no war, or a home where there is no tension, or a person who…

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Is That an Error in the Bible? – Part 2

We resume our look at mistakes critics make when they look at the Bible. Here’s another mistake that critics make: They base teachings on obscure passages. The Mormons run across the verse in 1 Corinthians 15: “Else what shall they do… baptize for the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:29). It’s an obscure passage. It’s mentioned only…

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The Fruit of the Spirit – Joy

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). We used to sing a little chorus when we were kids: “If you’re happy and you know it, say amen.” Remember that one? We can all remember times when we were happy and we knew it.…

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The Fruit of the Spirit – Love

What is love? It’s kind of hard to tell when we say we “love” our spouse, or our children, or a day at the beach, or a strawberry milkshake, or the latest movie, or,… So I went to the dictionary and read that love is “an intense feeling of deep affection; a great interest and…