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Holistic Health Practices/Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 Altered states of consciousness are a product of the deliberate cultivation of abnormal states of consciousness—states not normally experienced apart from a specific technique or program (usually occultic), used to develop them. Previous Article What are Altered States of Consciousness? Writing in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology…

Where Do Masonry and Christianity Conflict?-Part 4

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 Masonry teaches that the God of the Bible is the God of the Masonic Lodge. Is this true? Contents 1 Where Do Masonry and Christianity Conflict? – Part 4 1.1 Masonry teaches that the God of the Bible is the God of the Masonic Lodge. Is this…

Where Do Masonry and Christianity Conflict?-Part 2

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 Freemasonry is a key player in Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons. Many of America’s Founding Fathers and Presidents have been members of the Masonic Lodge. Do these factors lend Masonry a legitimacy beyond questions—or are there areas where the teachings of the Lodge are in direct conflict…

The Order of the Eastern Star

By: Dr. John Ankerberg / Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 The Order of the Eastern Star is specifically intended for the wives, daughters, and female relatives of Master Masons. Its rituals were prepared by Dr. Rob Morris, a leading Mason. This brief article discusses some of the things Eastern Star members are taught.   Contents 1…

Where Do Masonry and Christianity Conflict?-Part 1

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 Freemasonry is a key player in Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons. Many of America’s Founding Fathers and Presidents have been members of the Masonic Lodge. Do these factors lend Masonry a legitimacy beyond questions—or are there areas where the teachings of the Lodge are in direct conflict…

Where Do Masonry and Christianity Conflict?-Part 3

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©2006 We are examining the religious teachings of Masonry and comparing them with the teachings of the Bible. The Masonic Lodge teaches that all men including Christians live in spiritual darkness until they enter and become members of the Lodge. Is this biblical? Masons teach and believe in…

Are the Heathen Lost?-Part 1

By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 Garner Ted Armstrong put it this way: “Does it make sense to you that a little Chinese girl, age 3 ½, sweet little innocent baby, is going to be dancing from brick to brick, beating at flames for all eternity because a missionary had a flat tire?” The issue, of course,…

Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 4

By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 There are a number of striking cases where the Bible has been directly confirmed by archaeology. In this article the authors list 25 examples as they conclude their look at “biblical” archaeology. Contents 1 Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 4 1.1 Examples of Archaeological Confirmations 2 Notes Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the…


Can There be Two “Last Trumps”?

According to 1 Corinthians 15, “the last trump” will be sounded and then, according to Matthew 24, there will be the sound of a great trumpet when the Lord Jesus comes out of Heaven in His glorious Second Coming. Some say, look, you obviously have a trumpet blown at the Rapture. It’s the trump of…

Biblical Archaeology—Silencing the Critics – Part 2

By: ATRI Staff; ©2006 Critics have a problem: any time archaeology does not directly confirm something the Bible teaches, the tendency is to allege an error in the text. On the other hand, liberal critics frequently tend to avoid the use of archaeology where it confirms the Bible! This type of bias, the authors say,…