Are You Calling Me a Pharisee?
By: James McCarthy; ©1999 Meet Mrs. Murphy in Jim McCarthy’s latest article. Typical of a great number of Catholics, she’s a hard-working mother living a simple life. She views herself as a good person, ready to stand in the judgment. And woe to the person who dare says otherwise! Contents 1 Are You Calling Me…
Only One Cure for Sin
By: Mike Gendron; ©1999 When anyone compares the dreaded disease of cancer with the sin disease they will find several similarities. Both often go undetected, both are deadly and both have no human cure. However, many Roman Catholics are taught there is a human cure for sin and it is dispensed through the sacraments. Mike…
Who Are the Great Crowd of Revelation Chapter 7
By: Lorri MacGregor; ©December 1999 We have probably all been confronted by Jehovah’s Witnesses at our door at one time or another. Can we trust what they are telling us? Is it possible they even they have been deceived by their own leadership into believing a lie? Let’s begin by reading Revelation 7:9-10. “After these…