Recent Articles

Jesus – The Messiah?

By: John Ankerberg and John Weldon; ©1993 n this article Ankerberg and Weldon examine two passages in Isaiah that reveal information about the Messiah. How does Jesus fit the information given in Isaiah 9:6-7 and in Isaiah 53? (excerpted from The Facts on Jesus the Messiah (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1993) Contents 1 Who is…

Eight Christian Scholars Defend the Faith/Program 2

By: Dr. Walter Kaiser, Jr. , Dave Hunt, Dr. Anis Shorrosh, Dr. Robert Morey, Dr. John Weldon, Bill Cetnar, Joan Cetnar, Dr. Gleason Archer; ©1992 How do we know that the Bible is true and it actually came from God? Documentary Hypothesis, the JEDP theory, why the documentary theory is wrong and why the Bible…

Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

By: Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon; ©1992 Do you think our Founding Fathers believed in God and founded America as a Christian nation? The Supreme Court answered this question in 1892 and cited 50 historical examples to prove America was indeed a Christian nation. Do you think our Founding Fathers believed in God and…

Maintaining Government: Good Laws vs. Good Citizens

What does it take to make and establish a good government? Now, certainly today we hear a lot of complaints about government. We say we need something different in government. Well, the cry for maintaining a good government is nothing new in America. For at least 300 years there have been discussions on how to…

Paul the Apostle/Part 29

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 I know you and I struggle, but it is wonderful to know that there were others who had to struggle to be used of the Lord. Why do we struggle? Because the very moment we are saved, our flesh becomes a real detriment to us. It works against the Spirit.…

Paul the Apostle/Part 28

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 We are finishing up the life of Paul. We have been following him from Acts 9 all the way through to Acts 28. What are we doing? We are introducing the book of Ephesians. We are about now ready to enter into the study of the book of Ephesians. I…

Paul the Apostle/Part 27

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 We are going to be looking at verses 11-31, the end of the chapter. Paul is now on the last leg of his journey to Rome. It has been packed with adventure. Previous Article Acts 28 Paul: The Messenger – Part 16 Turn with me to Acts 28. We are…

Acts – Paul the Apostle/Part 26

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 Paul is a focused man, a changed man, and a single-minded man. We began to look at him as a man, a missionary and now as a messenger. As he faced the future, what could he expect God to do in his life? I want us to think on those…

Paul the Apostle/Part 25

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 There are four things I want you to be challenged by. Now, you can’t make a formula out of Paul’s life. That’s not what I am doing. You know that. However, there are four principles here that may come to help you somewhere down the road in this great adventure…

Paul the Apostle/Part 24

By: Dr. Wayne Barber; ©1992 Well, in this study we are going to see from the life of Paul that he shares his testimony, and it is literally thrown right back in his face. The key is not in the rejection of the testimony. I think the key and the focus is the attitude Paul…