How To Deal With Temptation
How To Deal With Temptation “I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus as God’s Son and my Savior from sin. I want to live for Him, and obey His teachings. Why, then, do I keep failing?” What we are dealing with here is temptation. It is the common problem of all human beings, and…

Finding God’s Will – Part 1
Jim Shaddix, Message January 10, 2016 Let me ask you to open your Bible to Acts Chapter 1 and let’s continue to worship the Lord through the teaching of His Word. Acts Chapter 1. If you came in today and don’t have a copy of the Bible, I hope there is someone sitting close…

Born to be God
Jim Shaddix Message December 20, 2015 Good morning, Brainerd Faith Family. It is great to see you. Merry Christmas to you. Let’s study God’s Word together and worship Him through that. So let me ask you to open your Bible to Matthew Chapter 1. We want to turn our attention this morning to a…

The Conduct of a Worthy Christian Life
Paul Laso December 27, 2015 Well, good morning again. I am excited to preach God’s Word this morning and I pray that you are excited to hear God’s Word as well. It seems like every time I have an opportunity to preach, I have to make an announcement for something. So, another quick update that…

Are You Ready for Christmas?
Are you ready for Christmas? Are you excited? If so, WHY? Could it be because you are thinking about what you are going to get—the Christmas presents, which have become more and more the sum and substance of our celebration of what we call “Christmas”? We know that it the case with children. But, let’s…

Should Christians Own Guns?
by Dr. Dillon Burroughs Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. recently urged students at his college—the largest Christian university in America—to carry concealed weapons on campus to defend against potential jihadist terror attacks. His view has created a firestorm of media, leaving many Christians wondering what God’s Word says related to this issue. Should Christians…

Overcome Evil with Good: God’s Plan for Facing Tragedy
Another mass shooting that left at least 14 dead in San Bernardino, California this week marks the sixth mass shooting in the United States in the past week! Americans find themselves responding by buying more guns, living in increased fear, or simply no longer paying attention to headlines of fellow citizens dying at the end…

The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ: All or Nothing
“The answer to that question would explain history for me.” – Atheist Larry King on his show’s 25th anniversary (June 5, 2010), on whether Jesus was virgin born. The importance of the virgin birth can hardly be overestimated; it has been a universally held belief of the Christian Church for 2,000 years, and for excellent…

Childlike Faith in the Light of Christmas
Why is it that joy and peace are so illusive? The Christmas season pronounces our personal longing for joy and peace. It normally brings great memories of the security of our childhood and the joy of the love expressed to us during those times. But during the adult years there is marked absence of the…

Helping Muslims Grow After Coming to Christ
By: Tom Doyle, Kamal Saleem, General William Boykin; ©2013 In our second program you will hear stories about Muslims coming to Christ in Saudi Arabia, the very heart of Islam. Since Bibles and Christian literature are forbidden in Saudi Arabia, how is it possible for people who meet Jesus through dreams to learn more about Jesus…