Really Alone?

By Jim Virkler | July 19, 2018

Published 7-19-2018 The question of whether humanity shares characteristics of life with other human or human-like creatures in our enormous universe has long piqued interest from coffee-table conversationalists to professional…

Alone in the Universe

By Jim Virkler | July 14, 2018

Published 7-14-2018 Once again, we recall childhood thoughts about our cosmos. This time, we need to advance our early childhood ideas of the Sumerian cosmic dome to our contemporary concept…

Coordinating Celestial Observations

By Jim Virkler | June 27, 2018

Published 6-27-2018 To introduce astronomy studies to my former students, I regaled them with an account of my early childhood musings about the the Earth and the sky. Some confessed…

Summer Solstice Splendor

By Jim Virkler | June 22, 2018

Published 6-22-2018 Recall your personal response to the “first day of summer” when you were a school student. Children greet this day with happiness and fervor. By this date in…

Regulations on Human Innovation

By Jim Virkler | June 19, 2018

Published 6-19-2018 The CRISPR/Cas9 genetic editing phenomenon receives much press in our current climate. Our government regulators solicit public commentary on lively issues of the day. Well they should, particularly…

Human Knowledge and God’s Image

By Jim Virkler | June 12, 2018

Published 6-12-2018 The concept of God’s image in humanity is a deep and provocative concept. God’s image does not occur in sub-human life even though God’s creative power is evident…

Peril, Paradise, or Divine Plan?

By Jim Virkler | June 5, 2018

Published 6-5-2018 The universe God created may not be described as “paradise,” a perfect, ideal, idyllic place. Yet, In Genesis chapter 1, God pronounced His creation “good” or “very good”…

Do You Need the Bible to Know God Exists?

By Jim Virkler | June 4, 2018

Not according to the Bible, which is telling since the Bible is a holy book. There are at least a handful of passages in the Bible which teach that a person comes to know that a Creator God exists by just observing the natural world…

Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?

By Jim Virkler | June 4, 2018

With recent hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters devastating many around our world,  numerous people are asking, “Why does God allow suffering through natural disasters?” The Bible does not record a direct explanation regarding the purpose of such events, but does address some of the reasons natural disasters occur…

Genetic Modification Fears

By Jim Virkler | May 27, 2018

Published 5-27-2018 In 1962 the popular Book-of-the-Month Club selection Fail Safe authored by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler hit the shelves during the uncertain days of the Cuban Missile Crisis.…

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