Hard Problem of Consciousness

By Jim Virkler | November 5, 2015

Published 11-5-2015 Philosopher/cognitive scientist David J. Chalmers formulated an expression to characterize our quest for knowledge of consciousness. In 1996 he called it “the hard problem.” The term has since…

Basis of Consciousness

By Jim Virkler | October 30, 2015

Published 10-30-2015 When our neighborhood birds decided to engage in high-spirited, ebullient behavior, our thoughts wandered toward, “What caused this sudden display?” Description of the behavior is easy; explanation is…

Exuberant Wildlife

By Jim Virkler | October 26, 2015

Published 10-16-2015 Looking out across our back deck into the trees of our northwest Illinois neighborhood in autumn, our birds (I’ve called this area “bird heaven”) occasionally stage an impressive…

Supermoon Eclipses

By Jim Virkler | October 18, 2015

Published 10-15-2015 Public attention is directed toward unusual and spectacular phenomena from the natural world by media accounts. The editorially injected “super” used in media descriptions generates added hype and…

Cambrian Connection

By Jim Virkler | October 15, 2015

Published 10-15-2015 Why call attention to the famous “Cambrian Explosion?” The John Ankerberg Show recently highlighted this remarkable event in the history of Earth’s life. We again invite our readers…

Cambrian Fossil Mystery

By Jim Virkler | October 7, 2015

Published 10-7-2015 In June 2013 Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s popular volume Darwin’s Doubt appeared on bookshelves. In their fervor to uphold the proposal that 19th century Darwinian theory had been…

Intelligence Discovery

By Jim Virkler | October 1, 2015

Published 10-1-2015 Discovery Institute’s Stephen C. Meyer and ATRI’s John Ankerberg produced a series of interview programs on the John Ankerberg Show in July and August 2015. Meyer is Discovery…

Creationism vs ID

By Jim Virkler | September 24, 2015

Published 9-24-2015 Creationism is a faith-based belief. As a verb, “create” has multiple meanings including “bring into being.” If we count the creation of all things in our universe as…

Stephen Meyer, Design Advocate

By Jim Virkler | September 22, 2015

Published 9-22-2015 Stephen C. Meyer is director of Discovery Institute, possibly the most high profile organization promoting the theory of Intelligent Design. The theory (ID) endures criticism from a variety…

Migration Mysteries

By Jim Virkler | September 18, 2015

Published 9-18-2015 Sources of wonder and worship spring from knowledge of mysteries of the distant universe. But lest we overstress the mighty wonders of astronomy discussed in the last few…

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