Methodological Confusion

By Jim Virkler | June 2, 2015

Published 6-2-2015 “I believe methodological naturalism is a good operating principle for scientific discovery.” Your Ankerberg science blogger wrote this on his 9/15/2009 post. Lacking full knowledge of what this…

Scientific Revolution Methodology

By Jim Virkler | May 30, 2015

Published 5-30-2015 Skilled science philosophers and historians contribute to our understanding of seminal topics such as the Scientific Revolution. Robert Bishop is a Professor of Philosophy and History of Science…

Discovery or Revolution?

By Jim Virkler | May 28, 2015

Published 5-28-2015 Several times in past posts we have referred to landmark scientific discoveries during the lifetimes of several of our most recent generations. For example, retirement age residents of…

Uplift or Accident

By Jim Virkler | May 20, 2015

Published 5-20-2015 Childish dreams sometimes materialize into adult reality. When I was in early primary school I envisioned becoming a teacher after observing my classroom instructor hold forth. The seed…

Salvation is Created

By Jim Virkler | May 14, 2015

Published 5-14-2015 Sacred Music is a rich and satisfying expression of man’s exultations from deep in the human soul. Musical creativity is the recognition of something new, different, and worthwhile.…

The Wrong Question

By Jim Virkler | May 9, 2015

Published 5-9-2015 Why do some church ministries deal with complex science-related questions in their pulpit ministry only infrequently? They seem to revel in simpler, more comfortable questions involving Christian behavior,…

Matter Facts

By Jim Virkler | May 5, 2015

By: Jim Virkler; ©2015 Jim Virkler explains how the large hadron collider relates to the Higgs boson. One of today’s science buzzwords is straight from the realm of the arcane.…

Buntings and Bosons

By Jim Virkler | May 5, 2015

By: Jim Virkler; ©2012 Jim Virkler provides more information on the Higgs boson. Buntings and Bosons? Could any title be more unusual? In the world of particle physics, the Higgs…

Goals for Church Science

By Jim Virkler | May 4, 2015

Published 5-4-2015 The Reasons to Believe Monthly Partners Ministry published some “stunning” findings in their February newsletter. As I read it I became aware that our science/faith blog is concerned…

Constant Creation Care

By Jim Virkler | April 18, 2015

Published 4-18-2015 When we speak of care in any realm we may also address the pre-existing interest level of the caregiver as well as the action of providing the care.…

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