It’s a Fact!

By Jim Virkler | September 26, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 How many times have you used the expression “It’s a fact”…or “As a matter of fact”… or “In fact”? What did you mean? You probably meant…

Evolution Definitions

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Few issues generate as much discussion and posturing as evolution. The term is bandied about relentlessly by many members of the science profession. It is their…

Rational Capacities

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 In the world of living things, man is distinct from all other animals because he bears the “image of God.” Among other things, the image of…

Cellular Master Craftsmen

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Let’s contemplate one more chemical wonder of the cell in the hope of converting some “ho-hums” to “wows” in the world of the very small. Imagine…

Truth and Science Philosophy

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 The New Testament speaks of God’s desire for man “to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (I Tim. 2:4) This would include truth of the…

An Incredible 50 Years

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 A catalog of startling discoveries and achievements of the past fifty years would read like an 1870 Jules Verne novel. Verne researched the geology and astronomy…

Let There Be Order!

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 The 50 year catalog of landmark scientific discoveries we discussed in our last post involved a range of distances from the limits of our universe (13.73…

DNA — Then, and Now

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 Now and then I check a biology textbook in order to find an answer to a question on some detail of life science. Many of my…

The DNA Code — Whose Mind?

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; ©2008 NA, that huge molecule contained in every chromosome of every cell in our body, is a treasure store of coded information which contains intricately detailed instructions.…

Who is the Author?

By Jim Virkler | September 25, 2014

By: Jim Virkler; © How did the laws of nature come to be? Who authored them? These questions are related to discussions about the “fine-tuning” of the universe, the constancy…

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